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Veteran Driver III
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About dukesofhaddock

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    See my truck plate's
  • Interests
    WELCOME TO -MIDDLEBROOK TRANSPORT LTD --- Convoy's & Recruitment,

    ,Recruiting NOW
    We WANT Drivers LOTS of them

    We are a **GENERAL HAULAGE** company in the true sense that we are capable of carrying any type of product to anywhere.
    From Wide dumper trucks to Forklift trucks and everything in-between.
    Hazardos materials, we are ADR Qualified & we are Specialist in -- concrete blocks, excavator,, steel pipe ,, tanker & container tanker,,wood ---
    long journeys.
    ..Please see Google images for reference on truck & trailer types ,
    ,We want it too look realistic & be the largest most recognised company in ETS so when driving in the ETS world you see one every 5-10 minutes,
    ,,There not all yellow some are white & blue --

    Our Fleet - SCANIA - DAF --MERC--

    Join our team on facebook we log incidents however small giving our driver's the upper hand to change route or direction if needed .
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Sheffield
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  1. Wouldn't it be great if we could have a day whilst we are able to use police cars, run an Easter egg type hunt for stolen trucks from different areas, maybe have some driving round etc. Would be quite fun to do!, l thought it would be a great activity to mark Trucker MPs 5th anniversary.
  2. Thank you Any idea when that update is on buddy
  3. I thought the rigid body was still being worked on
  4. It looks great but when does it come to MP ,, Also if we could have a drag text box to put our own name on the side's & backdoor's of the trailer that would be fantastic. Any chance of some extender trailers used to carry large steel beams This company use a wide range of trailers have a browse & look in the fleet section http://www.middlebrooktransport.co.uk/ Thanks for your time.
  5. So due to the fact that I saw a discussion on here yesterday about new players in MP . someone said that there should be a server for people to learn on before joining for example EU2 & instead of getting banned you go back to that server to improve you're driving .. My thoughts on this are ... There should be a server for new players with damage but where you don't get banned .. Get so many hours before Joining for example EU2 All new players in MP to Automatically have L plates uk or to match the desired country . Why this should be added : This should be added to give New players a chance to get used to the truck for example breaking time's etc . The L plates should be added so people know that they are a new Driver & can give them some more room if needed or so that the more experienced driver can help them out wherever possible . Please see image below All so another great feature to add would be when carrying fuel in the uk real trucks have a ORANGE square that can be folded when not carrying fuel or a tanker . it would be great to be able to add this to our trucks & have it in unfold when attaching a tanker the same way that the walk way folds down on top of the tanker when you connect up to it ... maybe have it on all trucks or make it an option in the customisation garage.. Why this should be added : This is more a realistic feature on the truck it is used in the uk so that you know it has a tanker on from the front . please see image below : You will notice that the orange square on the tractor unit of the tanker appears to be in too parts that is cause it folds up when not carrying fuel . You will also see that there is one folded on the driver training truck because this company also gives ADR training . Thanks for reading .
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNk7est5h3U&sns=fb AT 46:24 in the video what appears to be a server hacker come straight thru the crash barrier . Driver : MaD 15971 to days in game code was ( 2542 ) at the time I tried to let you know thru the report page however the MaD 15971 name could not be found ,, & if you continue to watch the video he/she goes back thru the barrier,, I'M Sorry that this is not the usual way to make a report & if it's against your form rule's, SORRY Thanks for taking the time to view .
  7. Hello so I wanted to know about The LoiLo Game Recorder What it is Like ? If it is excepted in a report ? Is there something better ?,, preferably FREE as I don't game every day Also how exactly does the report pinfo work ? Thank you for you're time from ETS 2 MIDDLEBROOK TRANSPORT LTD ---- Convoy's & Recruitment,,-we want drivers find us on facebook
  8. I agree Skoda should be gotten rid of if not (pilot for a convoy ) ,,, Should be Police SKoda & Pilot SKoda in my opinion .
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