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World Of Trucks


  1. [RO] Problema cu salvarea in ETS/ATS. Recent am intampinat o problema, pe care cu greu am rezolvat-o si pentru care nu am gasit nicaieri solutie. Orice faceam, jocul nu salva nici macar cu salvare automata. Un moderator m-a ajutat spunandu-mi ca poate fi din config din ets, insa nu aceasta era problema. Asa ca spun de acum: ATENȚIE LA ANTIVIRUS! Intr-adevar, problema era de la antivirus, deoarece folosesc BitDefender, acesta a blocat automat jocul, nepermitandu-i sa modifice sau creeze fisiere. Mi-am dat seama cand am vazut ca in fisierul Euro Truck Simulator 2 din Documente, nu am anumite fisiere importante. Din fericire este simplu de rezolvat. Se intra la antivirus in setari si selectati ca aplicatia sa aiba permisiunea de a modifica fisiere. Daca acesat este un repost, imi cer scuze! Am cautat si nu am gasit o postare asemanatoare. Mult succes!
  2. Hi folks. I can't remember how to copy an existing game to another pc, so I can use it on my new pc in stead of starting all over again. best regards Spadauren
  3. Hey Guys, so I'm new to this game and started playing online after completing a few jobs in singleplayer. I drove around for 2 hours in multiplayer before I wanted to save the game to change the server. When I tried to save the game, it froze for about 4 seconds and closed the save menu but it didn't actually save. No error message whatsoever. I checked my Documents folder, there is a new folder called "3" but it's empty. Any idea why this is happening? Playing on Windows 10 64, no mods. Thank you
  4. Hi guys, So normally i can play with 60 fps+, but now when it autosaves, I always have a lag spike. Pretty annoying in convoys Does someone have a solution for this? Thanks
  5. When I have a big job I like to save at every gas station I pass. But the game doesn't want me to do that. For example, I save at a gas station and drive 1 km. Another user crashes into me and I want to load my save at the gas station. When I load it, I get teleported to the exact same spot I loaded from. It's like the game auto-saves it every second and won't let me teleport back.
  6. When I play in multiplayer mode, I start off in the same place every time: Where I was last in Singleplayer mode (Salzburg). After driving around in MP mode, my game does not save to where I am, so say if i drive to Bern, the next time i start the game, I will start in Salzburg again. Ive tried manually saving while in MP, but this save does not show up the next time i play MP. Ive uninstalled my new DLC's, reinstalled them again and made another save game file in singleplayer, but this too doesnt work.7 In short: My online progress in MP does not save. Thanks
  7. Witam! Proszę o pomoc! Chciałbym się zapytać jak naprawić save który jest w plikach gry a nie mozna go wybrać w grze tak jakby go gra nie widziała choć jest plik!
  8. So thanks in advance for helping me. Problem: I had factory reset my laptops in May and I saved my savegame (profile) of ETS2 on a USB stick. After my laptop was resetted, I put the game back and it worked fine. 2 months later, my laptop crashed (motherboard fail) and because the laptop is 4.5 years old, I am not going to repair it. Also because it is a VIAO laptop which is not made anymore. Which means that the parts for the computer are expensive... (yes, sorry I game on a laptop because I also needed it for school) So I am currently using my moms desktop until I am building myself a gaming pc and I was lucky enough to find the USB stick NOT formatted. So I used the savegame from 25 May but when I try to load any savegames, it says it is not compatible. ItI turned off all the mods, tried with and without multiplayer but it still says the same and it is a game with 50+% explored roads in all DLC and about 80% in the non-DLC parts of the map. So please help me. I have no idea why it does not work. Is it because all the game files are updated? When I try to run 1.26 (downgrade) or lower, it says: "Please update your game to play". Is it because all the other game files are updated except the profile? I do not understand why it worked in the first place and then it did not...
  9. So I just started playing Euro trucks simulator 2 Online, and everything was working perfectly untill I linked my account with World of trucks. Since I did this my game doesn't autosave anymore which is pretty annoying because I don't always remember to save. Any solutions to this problem?
  10. I'll be straight to the point. I open TMP, lag a bit, close it, open up ETS2 (SP) and suddenly my money is about 11x as much and game time is multiple years ahead. My in game loan is 1871/70 days. How can I reset to pre-glitch data?
  11. Zrobiłem wszystko jak należy, normalnie w moim actrossie mogłem jechać do 130km/h na multi, kolega volviakiem zasuwał do 150km/h luźno. Więc tak jak kiedyś postanowiłem sobie zmodyfikować ciągnik. Edytowałem save i wsadziłem silnik z volvo do mojego actrossa vehicle_accessory : _nameless.27a.6fc7.b1b0 { wear: &3b268325 data_path: "/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16_2012/engine/d16g750.sii" Po tej modyfikacji mogę jechać max 115km/h pustym ciągnikiem bez naczepy, na multi jak i na singlu. Co źle zrobiłem? Czy może już te modyfikacje nie działają?
  12. Hi, I have been having this problem for a few days and Blazie has had it for about 3 weeks. Whenever I try to extract my game.sii it tells me that it was decrypted but when I open it, its a mix-mash of decrypted english and encrypted garbage. I have changed my save_idx between 1,2 and 3 but it doesn't work on any of them. The only thing I have done between the time of it working and not working is hiring about 130 drivers, buying 130 trucks and buying all the paint job DLCs. If you know how to fix this, please let me know either in the forum via a reply to this thread or through a PM. Thanks -James Edit: I found the problem. The game had reset a config file. I just had to go and reset some settings If you are having this issue, goto C:\Users\[your computer]\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2 and open your config file, go to uset g_save_format and change the number in the quotes to "2" For advance users who have the console activated, you can do this in game by simply typing "uset g_save_format 2" (no quotes) in to the console and it should fix your issue.
  13. hi, why i can't load saved game? If i playing and for example i want ro save game when i am in Berlin it is ok. But when i starting game next time, comming the mesage, that there was detected some game change and all my trip was canceled i moved to my main garage. And if i am trying to load, comming error. And it's every time... Is any body known why it's happening?
  14. Olá pessoal. Vi muitas mensagens neste fórum de pessoas relatando que seu jogo começou a travar tanto no MP quanto no SP após pegar uma balsa, fazendo uma viagem rápida ou de outra forma. No meu caso começou quando fui pegar a balsa, o jogo travou no MP e aí eu pensei em atravessá-la pelo SP e depois voltar para o MP. Para a minha decepção o jogo começou a travar no SP depois de uns 3 segundos e para fechar o jogo só era possível através do CTRL + ALT + DEL. Entrei em desespero, pois, estava com 84h de jogo, quase 200 caminhões, nível 30 e quase 13 milhões em $$$, o que pra mim é muita coisa (sei que vai ter muita gente dizendo que isso é pouco, blá, blá, blá). Depois de tanto quebrar a cabeça em fóruns pela net também, eu comecei a fazer uns testes aqui com meu save (fiz um backup do save danificado, isso mesmo), comecei a apagar umas pastas e alguns arquivos. Quando eu entrei na pasta profile (\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles\varios_numeros_e_letras\save) percebi que haviam várias pastas autosave_job seguidas por um número. Agora é que vem o tchan da questão, entrei no jogo, carreguei o perfil danificado, fui em CARREGAR JOGO, marquei a opção MOSTRAR AUTO GRAVAÇÃO (ou algo parecido com isso) e fui vendo as datas dessas gravações. No meu caso as gravações com data de 03/01/2017 é que estavam com bug, então carreguei uma gravação com a data de 01/01/2017 e testei. Para a minha agradável surpresa deu certo, estou jogando novamente, mas agora só no SP para este save. Bom, há um ônus, perdi algumas horas de jogo, alguns caminhões e um pouco de dinheiro, mas é melhor isso do que perder o save completo. Daqui em diante para jogar no MP (se voltar a jogar) vou criar um novo perfil. Espero que este tópico seja útil para muitas pessoas. Quem quiser pode agradecer curtindo as fotos do meu perfil no World of Trucks.
  15. Every time when I try to load my saved game, all the jobs in quick job is impossible to finish on time "5 min". After I finish the job with a late delivery, there are no more jobs in the quick job. I need to restart the game to let the new job load. Anyone have this problems? How to fix it? Is it a bug?
  16. Since the last update went live i had been playing on single player, not knowing that it's possible to roll back to the previous version of the game. My issue is that ive made quite a bit of progress since the update and my save files are made on 1.2.6, is it possible to make a save file compatible with previous versions of the game?
  17. I am a long time did not play the game (recent times were 1.24.x.x version). In October, I reinstalled windows; then I put the steam and updated the game to version 1.25.h.h. I put my save in a folder with the documents of the game. My problem is this - the game does not see the save. I tried to change the version of the game - does not solve the problem. Sorry for my bad english.
  18. Witam po wejściu do gry odrazu wyskakuje mi ekran z załacznika. Stało sie to po aktualizacji truckermp. Pozdrawiam
  19. Suggestion Name: Implement storage saves multiplayer player not on the computer and on the server. Suggestion Description: It would be very good if saving in multiplayer worked only in multiplayer and you have stored on the servers. For the first time entering the multiplayer game is requested to create a new profile. And also make sure to save the single player did not work in multiplayer. This is due to the fact that some of the players with the help of special programs in the single player to increase their money, experience, and etc. Any example images: Nope. Why should it be added?: The introduction of this will not kill the interest in the game, because if you use a lot of money and experience, as such, the purpose is lost and people throw the game in the game.
  20. witam,dzisiaj przez przypadek skasowałęm save z ets2 i chciałbym zapytać czy da się go przywrócić? nie mam profile.bak mam jedynie notatnik backups a w nim pisze
  21. Mod Version: Version 0.1.2 Controllers Used: Mouse & Keyboard Description of Issue: I can't load any save game with jobs/trailer from SP mode, it keep crashing the game. Those previous version was perfectly fine with loading save game from SP mode. Please, fix this. Gamecrash.log : http://pastebin.com/DzbC6Npk Thank you. Regards, Hastantyo.
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