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  1. How to fix this Issue? Can't Open TruckersMP
  2. ım getting a long error when ı press the truckers mp launcher button ı ve already written it to support team but they cant solve it https://ibb.co/5h6spRN this is the error looks like need help immediatly ıf you can solve it just send mail to (email removed) ı can open teamviewer I NEED HELP İMMEDİATELY
  3. Okay so i came back yesterday after not playing since 2018 and I decided to pick up some dlc's okay so I got the Washington and Utah and breast cancer paints and the space paints and okay so I start the game up and everything was updated and all that and I get in and try to change the graphics settings and I click apply and the screen goes black and everything goes unresponsive and freezes and it takes task manager to close the game bc it is still frozen should I reinstall EVERYTHING and try to do that ? Or is there a bug that I missed like I said I'm open to anything I wanna play with my friends and I've never had problems before it plays fine if I don't mess with the settings or try to buy a new garage then to it freezes. Pls help
  4. Hallo, der Multiplayer unterstützt die Game Version! Diese Verion ist zimlich leider zimlich von SCS verbugt worden. Mittlerweile gibt es erneute Updates, die man leider bei Truckersmp nicht spielen kann. Es währe schön, wenn Truckersmp die Updates von SCS zumindest der 1.36x schneller nachziehend Supporten könnte, damit Bugs schneller behoben werden können. Es ist permanent ärgerlich, wenn sich der PC aufhängt und den jedesmal neustarten muss, wenn man sich zur Werkstatt teleportiert uvm. Gruß Cronka
  5. GT900

    I need Help.

    So i just downloaded truckersMP. All was going right until my first job. I really need help with this problems. My first cargo always its late like 8000 days.Then I make it and no jobs appear. Its impossible to play now.Can someone help me?
  6. Every time i enter multyplayer on ets 2, ghost mode flashes on my screen, i read about it and ik what it does but after i stay 20 seconds it doesnt work, black textures and still in ghost mode, i can talk to other people, i can see their trucks but i dont see the other things, like the road, fences. Everything is black. Plz help!
  7. So lately today I wanted to go play some ETS2+ATS but a few minutes in some weird stuff has been happening I went over these rail tracks in ATS in San Francisco and I went flying I wasn't even going that fast and then I was like. Ah no problem I'll go get another contract. As soon as I left the company lot with the trailer heading to Santa Maria my rear tires keep kicking out and makes me lose control all over the place going over bumps makes my truck go crazy and possibility of flying across the map or worse crashing into somebody at light speed So I decided to let that go and go hop on ETS2 with my car I was taking it easy listening to lofi it was going pretty well I was on CD road I was about to go over the rail tracks 4th gear not even half throttle my car sunk into the ground and then went flying and then all of a sudden I cant keep control I gotten my volvo no trailer and holy crap why does it keep slipping all over the place I dont have winter mod on and now my wheel randomly disconnects for no complete reason people skipping about and now my truck just keeps freaking out such as skipping rear wheel jumps shakes and sometimes taking turns the cabin sways then breaks like it stops working and goes upside down. What are the causes of this? Tomorrow I'll upload videos and reinstall the game and truckersmp sorry if I made this painfully long Long story short for those who dont feel like reading that Steering Wheel randomly disconnecting = TX Leather edition and TH8A. Also randomly loses force feed back this also happens in assetto corsa Happens on both games Car/truck flying across the map jumping skipping like laggy. Loss of control for no reason. connection problems. shaking and game malfunctions most of the time I do not run any mods or have modified or messed with the games files But the most important question is. If my truck glitches out lets say going over the railtracks jumps and goes flying into somebody is that my fault? If my wheel randomly disconnects for no reason and hits somebody is that my fault? I've been really lucky that I just crash into the ditch or no one's around one of these times. Game sometimes spawn me in the middle of the road when I was pulled over Or other game related problems or hardware. Thanks in advanced
  8. I note that in multiplayer several bug's occur for random events. - Police cars that do not show up in accidents. Only characters appear - NPC avatars. Firefighters, cops. - police cars and drivers when fined. Only characters appear, NPC avatars. Only police officer appears and sometimes some driver who would be out of the vehicle. - Fire truck and cars and crashed trucks. Only characters appear, NPC avatars. Only firemen show up. With any luck an exploded trailler can be seen. But not fire trucks. - Cars with mechanical problems. We only see signal triangles. Does not appear NPC's driver or the vehicle.
  9. Hello all. I have such a problem that I do not see anyone on the server, I wanted to play with my friend I can not see anyone, my compatriot saw me, how he rams him without resistance, and I did not see anything and wonder what could be a problem. PS. I reinstalled the game, truckersMP, I started using the admin. I do not know what else I can do to make it work. Please help. PS. those people I see are still, it worked for a moment and suddenly everyone stopped. https://gph.is/2yKabkB this is video my friend
  10. Hello everyone, after I updated the game I've found some bugs with my trailer (B-double). If I want to take a ferry with it, the game crashes. and if I want to rest the game crashes....
  11. Mod Version: Controllers Used: nvm Description of Issue: Wrong sync: Mobile Barrier(both!) Food Cistern Global Mills paintjob Visual issue: ANY beacons from 1st view have wrong flash position(higher than should be), 3rd view - all good Most events in MP displayed incorrect (ex. overheat bus - smoke was displayed, bus no; crashed cars - smoke from engines and police's light was displayed, any cars - nope), but why?, Why you can't cause(call) render traffic vehicles as you do it with second trailers? Events not a dynamic and not happening in real time, we just see already happened events, so render it like not local player's trucks and trailers. In SP all events displayed correctly(i keep silent about events sync) Functional issues: CB radio from cab haven't any reaction on buttons(change channels, power switch) You "create" second and next trailers of not local players like an independent objects. And it's cause shaking because independent objects not have any relations between themselves and don't allows any collision penetrate. But in the junction point (ex. between any wabash and any dolly) penetrate is. That too hard for fix but i hope it will be fixed before my end Also would be wonderful if you "teach" your server to detect players vehicle. Screenshots / Videos: will be later
  12. if i wan to activate my account it says unble to acctivate pz some one tell me how to fix this
  13. So ever since this winter update i have been getting a lot more crashes , for example i can't even get into the server for more then one minute now as every time it just crashes on me and says would you like to send a report. Obviously its the online as when i am in the Que attempting to join my game runs perfectly fine. I assume its something to do with the mass amount of players there and my game attempting to load all their textures and vehicles in, although sometimes its perfectly fine and the game manages to do so without any hitches. I have tried Verifying my game cache re-Installing Truckers MP Removing old cache data from my local files. Also another matter is i can't Press Y anymore to chat as it instantly crashes my game? Nothing Appears to be working can i get some advise on what i can do to resolve this?
  14. When I enter the server, my game exits the main screen.I enter, everything normal, I choose the profile, everything normal, loads normal then when I boot into the drive it loads up a part and when it connects on the server the game minimizes and it stays that way.
  15. Bom, pesquisei bastante na internet e falam que dormi resolve... fiz isso na primeira vez e deu certo, só que as cargas sumiram de novo e não sei mais o que fazer, meu personagem não fica com sono (simulador de fadiga ta ligado). Alguém pode me ajudar ?
  16. When i join ETS2 Multiplayer, and i go there to take an offer.. there is none of them. No offer appears and i can't do anything.
  17. Bonsoir, Je viens d'installer le Launcher MP et quand je clique sur "Launch ETS2" , un message apparait : "can not inject core (initialization of client failed)" . Que dois-je faire svp je veux tellement jouer ? 0_0
  18. Guest


    Bonjour, J'ai un problème mon jeu plante au moment ou je veut prendre le bateau, ou bien si je veux me téléporter dans mes garages, quand j'achète un camion, quand je fais f7. Cela devient incessant et m'énerve beaucoup, je ne prends plus plaisir à jouer au jeu. J'ai déjà réinstaller le jeu mais cela n'a rien changer. SVP aidez-moi !!! MERCi.
  19. Witam Ostatnio zainstalowałem mod'a na volvo vnl od Truckshop'a w wersji 3.0. Po jakimś czasie postanowiłem przesiąść się na scanie i tu pojawił się problem komputer pokładowy mi nie działał. Problem pojawił się również w iveco jednak tam ekran świecił się ale nie mogłem zmieniać stron. Czy mozna to jakoś naprawić? Z góry dzięki pozdrawiam
  20. Hello! When i wanted to play with my friend i tryed to on Ets2MP, and i got this: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: eurotrucks2.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 5784e608 Fault Module Name: eurotrucks2.exe Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 5784e608 Exception Code: c000001d Exception Offset: 0000000000cc68b0 OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 46fe Additional Information 2: 46fe51016ff57712060532fcc825e8e5 Additional Information 3: 2d71 Additional Information 4: 2d7194c797cf8dd2209adb119a719e34 Any idea what's going on?
  21. Hey there! Anybody knows a solution to my game keeping crashing while pressing the buttons f7 + enter to go to service and fix
  22. Whenever I try to play on multiplayer, it says that i need to downgrade because the game automatically updated. Can anyone help me with this, and also my friend is having the same problems. Thanks ~Dakmoa000
  23. I've noticed on when I was parked the wheels on the players truck were invisible I could only see the tyre
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