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Found 11 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Facelift: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Liege, Europort. Suggestion Description: Updating these cities to make them more viable. Any example images: Yes. See Below. Why should it be added?: These areas are in dire need of a facelift. No one has any clue how long it will take SCS. At least give TMP the proper towns it deserves. An added facelift will revive these areas. Liege. Only way to access it is through 2 different highway exit ramps. Layouts of the town are squares. South Exit. North Exit. On map. Issues It's in Belgium, not Netherlands. Checked the map, there is no "A3" in Belgium. Actual identifiers are E25, E40, and E42 on the north side of the city. Rotterdam. A decently sized city in the game. Highway runs past to the south with 2 potentially dangerous crossings. In game. On map. Issues Highway junctions are not safe nor divided. A4 at A15: in game, on map. Doesn't feel much like a city. This was a problem area during the early days of ETS2MP. Before CD Road replaced it. Amsterdam. decently sized. 3 access points from 2 different highways. In game. On map. Issues Highways don't have safe junctions. Lacks a city feeling. Europort. Small area off a highway with 2 access roads. Layout. On map. Issues Not a highway junction. Has potential to be a functioning port area rather then passage for ferry. I realize it will take time and dedication from the asset team. These areas need a facelift and the payout will be worth it. Yes, there's ProMods.
  2. Suggestion Name: see above Suggestion Description:at the moment places like rotterdame which are packed with players can get blocked up, it would be a great advantage to make rotterdam and other busy places non collision Any example images: Nope. Why should it be added?: It will prevent massive blockages in busy places
  3. Suggestion Name: Adding RJL's Scania T to TruckersMP Suggestion Description: Add a new truck to the mod for more variety, the Scania T is a completely STANDALONE mod which means it will not clash with anyone's game, like the Scout car it can be easily implemented and others will love it. RJL has brought a very interesting truck to ETS2 and it should be brought to the MP! The customization range for the Scania T is very great and there is so much to choose from. A known hiccup which may present an issue is to gain the ability to use the Mighty Griffin DLC / Cabin Accessories DLC and the Flag DLC will require the compatibility patches from the Steam Workshop. RJL has made these patches with the publisher on the Workshop so it is bug free on a Single Player Aspect. More information can be found on SCS's Blog: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=151394 Any example images: View the blog link i have provided for images. Why should it be added?: I firmly believe SCS had always lacked a few trucks in ETS2 and it saddens me to see the same online, although the devs are limited to what SCS provides to make the game as lag free as possible (which is greatly appreciated), I feel that RJL's mods should have been implemented into the game ages ago as the quality of the mod makes it look and feel as if it could have been official DLC. Players are missing out on a brilliant mod, with immense customization it would keep players creative and busy, plus its native 8x4 axles bring a more immersive road train feel to the VTC's. The ingame Truckfests also would benefit greatly from this mod as there is no Truckfest without atleast 1 Scania T! I hope to see some positive replies to my topic, and if my goal of getting this brilliant mod online is a success - I hope to see you truckers online!
  4. Suggestion Name: extra non-collision zones in Rotterdam europort Suggestion Description: in Rotterdam europort , add extra non-collision zones. Any example images: [blue:non-collision area (now)] [purple:non-collision area (extra)] (red:no parking area) Why should it be added?: a lot of trucks crashed or stuck because new trucks took a ferry and spawned in Rotterdam europort , adding an extra non-collision can prevent crash or stuck . Hope My Suggestion Helps Players In ETS2MP !
  5. I have a question , does there any rules says that can or can't a convoy drive through Calais-Duisburg road or drive in Rotterdam?
  6. Hello everyone ı playing ets2mp on 02june2016 and me and friends have get this crash.log error Regards
  7. Sorry, I should have put this in the ETS2MP Suggestion Section. My bad. Suggestion Name: Auto-kick Cruising in Rotterdam & Europort Suggestion Description: I suggest implementing a system to automatically kick people pointlessly driving around Rotterdam and Europort without jobs. For example, upon entering a 2000KM radius of Rotterdam you have 10 (real time) minutes to drop the trailer you are pulling, then another 10 minutes to accept a new job, finally, another 10 minutes to hook up your new trailer and leave the 2000KM radius. Any example images: I watched the CCTV of Europort corner for less than 2 minutes, and here are 5 trucks in a row, without trailers. I am by no means accusing these of being pointless drivers, but there is a strong possibility that they are heading nowhere and just adding to traffic. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I tend to pickup a job in the city I finished the previous job, there is not much logic in deadheading. Why should it be added?: Frame rates - I've notice people complaining about the huge drop in FPS in the locations i've mentioned, upon further investigation, these people are not playing on potatoes, they have some of the best gaming setups out there and are reporting a stable 50-60 FPS all over the map, but as soon as they hit EP & Rotterdam, that goes down to about 10, I understand that most drivers are completing jobs, and have reason to be there, but there are also so many pointless drivers, many of them are also reckless (speeding, overtaking in prohibited zones, ramming, sharp breaking for no reason, blocking, parking in prohibited areas, jumping red lights and anything you can think of) Congestion - I have found that most pointless drivers, are the cause of jams, as I mentioned above, they tend to break game rules, and traffic laws of the respective country. Obviously, they are liable to be reported, but doing so requires someone to stop their truck, potentially adding to congestion. more to come, tired.
  8. Suggestion Name: Extended Non-Colllision Zones Suggestion Description: If the non-collision zone was extended at the Rotterdam Repair Centre it would hopefully cause less accidents. Any example images: Why should it be added? Trucks frequently 'flip' or fly into the sky due to the line separating the road from the service station being busy - many trucks overlap going over the end of the non-collision zone.
  9. Suggestion Name: To much accidents in Rotterdam. Suggestion Description: The speed limit at rotterdam should be to 30 or 40 Km/h. Any example images: - Why should it be added?:The security at Rotterdam is ridiculous, ets2 is a simulation game and here, it's not.
  10. Currently in ETS2 MP, Rotterdam is facing huge traffic problems due to the fact that there a one way system in and out of the entrance to the ferry. The interactive green mark on the ground that selects your destination, is placed at THE FRONT of the port entrance which creates chaos for people trying to enter the port and come out of it. This also encourages trollers to park their trucks on this spot so no one can get out of the port or select where they want to go. Moreover, this is creating a mass build up of traffic along the road into the port and the highway/main road running out of Rotterdam towards the port. Along this main road, players are driving on the wrong side of the road to try and beat the jam into the port. Also, players are parking their trucks on this road, annoying players that are trying to take the game seriously and, again, encouraging more players to join them as trollers. My suggestion to this major problem in the MP world is to reconstruct Rotterdam port TOTALLY - not worrying about if it looks like the port in real life; - Place barriers along the road which runs round the left hand side of the building in the middle so that trollers cannot deliberately go the wrong way. - Place a toll-like barrier which enables people coming out of the port to get to the main road easily - Create a second gate which players coming out of the port can use; create a different spawnpoint when arriving in Rotterdam I hope people take my suggestion into good use and feel free to comment on this post about any queries or improvements you may have. Thankyou.
  11. Jak wszyscy wiemy w Europorcie są ostatnie wielkie kolejki, więc nasuwa mi się pytanie. Jeżeli Oni wszyscy jadą do Wielkiej Brytanii to (tu idzie pytanie) czemu UK jest Pusta? Wiem, w Londynie są i innych miastach, ale chodzi mi o autostrady.
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