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Veteran Driver III
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About Scurvy

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Clermont-Ferrand
  • Known languages
    French, Italian, English

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  1. Hi, you will be able to play with your own trucks on the same account. Your trucks and save data are saved elsewhere, separate from the TruckersMP directory. I hope this helps you.
  2. Scurvy


    Think of those who don't have a PC powerful enough to have rain turned on. Also, when rain causes it to get darker in-game you'd probably find that players won't use their lights.
  3. Server is indeed feeling stress
  4. Suggestion Name: Extended Non-Colllision Zones Suggestion Description: If the non-collision zone was extended at the Rotterdam Repair Centre it would hopefully cause less accidents. Any example images: Why should it be added? Trucks frequently 'flip' or fly into the sky due to the line separating the road from the service station being busy - many trucks overlap going over the end of the non-collision zone.
  5. I'm currently having the same problem, I unchecked the ATSMP box and it still gives me the message.
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