Suggestion Name: Adding RJL's Scania T to TruckersMP
Suggestion Description: Add a new truck to the mod for more variety, the Scania T is a completely STANDALONE mod which means it will not clash with anyone's game, like the Scout car it can be easily implemented and others will love it. RJL has brought a very interesting truck to ETS2 and it should be brought to the MP! The customization range for the Scania T is very great and there is so much to choose from. A known hiccup which may present an issue is to gain the ability to use the Mighty Griffin DLC / Cabin Accessories DLC and the Flag DLC will require the compatibility patches from the Steam Workshop. RJL has made these patches with the publisher on the Workshop so it is bug free on a Single Player Aspect. More information can be found on SCS's Blog:
Any example images: View the blog link i have provided for images.
Why should it be added?: I firmly believe SCS had always lacked a few trucks in ETS2 and it saddens me to see the same online, although the devs are limited to what SCS provides to make the game as lag free as possible (which is greatly appreciated), I feel that RJL's mods should have been implemented into the game ages ago as the quality of the mod makes it look and feel as if it could have been official DLC. Players are missing out on a brilliant mod, with immense customization it would keep players creative and busy, plus its native 8x4 axles bring a more immersive road train feel to the VTC's. The ingame Truckfests also would benefit greatly from this mod as there is no Truckfest without atleast 1 Scania T! I hope to see some positive replies to my topic, and if my goal of getting this brilliant mod online is a success - I hope to see you truckers online!