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Veteran Driver IV
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About patricko1305

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  1. they're trying to stop players from just sitting there afk for ages and causing chaos fro everyone else!!
  2. Currently in ETS2 MP, Rotterdam is facing huge traffic problems due to the fact that there a one way system in and out of the entrance to the ferry. The interactive green mark on the ground that selects your destination, is placed at THE FRONT of the port entrance which creates chaos for people trying to enter the port and come out of it. This also encourages trollers to park their trucks on this spot so no one can get out of the port or select where they want to go. Moreover, this is creating a mass build up of traffic along the road into the port and the highway/main road running out of Rotterdam towards the port. Along this main road, players are driving on the wrong side of the road to try and beat the jam into the port. Also, players are parking their trucks on this road, annoying players that are trying to take the game seriously and, again, encouraging more players to join them as trollers. My suggestion to this major problem in the MP world is to reconstruct Rotterdam port TOTALLY - not worrying about if it looks like the port in real life; - Place barriers along the road which runs round the left hand side of the building in the middle so that trollers cannot deliberately go the wrong way. - Place a toll-like barrier which enables people coming out of the port to get to the main road easily - Create a second gate which players coming out of the port can use; create a different spawnpoint when arriving in Rotterdam I hope people take my suggestion into good use and feel free to comment on this post about any queries or improvements you may have. Thankyou.
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