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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Replies posted by Zuna

  1. Good night TMP Family ! See you tomorrow morning. :) <3

  2. thanks for the follow @ArmiNNN

    1. Zuna


      Thank you too

  3. In Duisburg with @ArmiNNN. This time, I took the photo. Smile. :D:D


  4. In Duisburg with @ArmiNNN. This time, I took the photo. Smile. :D:D


  5. How are you today ? 

  6. @Mirko9 
    This is Balkan :/


  7. @Mirko9 
    This is Balkan :/


    1. Zuna


      I love my Balkan and my country because this nowhere in the world is not there

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. @Mirko9 
    This is Balkan :/


  9. Thanks for the follow! I'll follow you back :D

    1. Zuna


      Thanks <3 

  10. My father is truck driver, now he going from house. I feel some nostalgia because I can not go with him :/ 

    1. Zuna


      @Mirko9 Al vi gore ste najjači na Gruškovju :D
      @Sven67 Još 3 godine /nece tag/

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  11. My father is truck driver, now he going from house. I feel some nostalgia because I can not go with him :/ 

    1. Zuna


      @Sven67 Ako Bog da sad 14.6. ja završavam školu 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  12. My father is truck driver, now he going from house. I feel some nostalgia because I can not go with him :/ 

    1. Zuna


      @Sven67 Nije bug i ja sam sad izbrisao post greskom . 
      @Mirko9 Kad se sjetim sa K32 u Spaniju lijepi su to momenti bili :)11265520_1588944604714523_40990618000817 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  13. Respect for you :)

    1. Zuna


      It's nice to see when a man explains real things.. 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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