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TFM matematrix

Veteran Driver VII
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About TFM matematrix

  • Birthday September 26

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  • Gender
  • Location
    near Düsseldorf
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf
  • Known languages
    German, English, French, Chinese (partly)

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    International Haulage Ltd.

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  1. As already mentioned it wouldn't be easy to implement that so easily, but of course this is a nice idea and should be considered
  2. This sounds good to me as many players still ask how to become a game mod, so if they find the recruitment page, they won't be lost in finding an answer Cheers
  3. This idea sounds very good to me, as it is true that many players change their name to avoid punishments, although I think that the staff is already able to see that, like a name change log, so maybe it isn't needed to show it to all players. If this would be easily changeable for the devs, it would be great to have that. Cheers
  4. Very good idea that actually removes any point of someone saying the warning is too small +1
  5. Die SDK sollte ganz normal, wie gewohnt im MP funktionieren. Technisch ist da kein Unterschied zwischen dem MP und dem SP, die Plugins werden beim Spielstart geladen, und der MP unterbindet dies auch nicht. Versuche vielleicht mal, die Telemetry neu zu installieren, und checke nochmal ob du die richtigen Netzwerk-Adressen benutzt. Wenn ich dir helfen konnte, klicke bitte auf den grünen Pfeil rechts. Das ehrt meine Hilfe, danke
  6. +1 It brings alot more realism to the game, to have a map kind of like the ets2map.com, but with a heatmap. That would make it easier for radio stations to provide traffic reports, and it is just very funny and nice to have it
  7. I really like this idea, and everybody that says it takes away the realism: It is an optional feature! You don't need to activate it, just forget about it if you don't like it. But, of course, it wouldn't be so great for us players with steering wheels, but that woulnd't be too much of a problem. Hopefully this idea gets through
  8. You won't get banned for this, as banning is a punishment for more serious offences. No one will ever notice that you don't slow down, and as long as you don't block the overtaker or hinder him to overtake in any way, everything is fine. In general, you won't get punished for breaking traffic rules like using a turn signal, etc, but it is always better to behave and to drive with your eyes open I wish you a nice time here at TMP
  9. Nice classic one, thanks
  10. Looks very nice, thanks for posting Actually my favourite UI
  11. Actually I didn't know that TMP ever had a TS, even inofficially Anyways, Discord is what is new and normal today
  12. Thank you very much for the nice event, and the very detailed accidents! Sadly I didn't see any border checkpoints and police searches, etc, that would have been great! But thanks everyone for their time at this event!
  13. Well, I would really like to connect, but of course after 20 minutes of waiting in the queue, my session is expired. And because it is an event, the queue is moving very very slowly. Hopefully it will be better in some minutes
  14. That sound really great I'm trying to join, and I am excited about this new event type See you all there!
  15. First, I want to thank you for presenting this nice tool to us @Mirrland. The problem now is: I've used it like 4 months ago, and then it worked fine. But now, I tried it out with friends, and we tried multiple combinations, e.g. in SP/MP, etc, but the custom jobs won't show up ingame. The error log doesn't say anything suspicious. Maybe someone can help us, Matematrix EDIT: It now works, after several tries!
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