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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Leff12345

  1. pinfo: Nickname: "nickname" id: "game-id" Steamid64: "steamid" TruckersMP ID: "TMP id" <---- That's the one you want to use in reports to find people.
  2. Yea, I see all your points, but I'm also talking about convoys. And when they tell people to go in their TS, just a small amount of people do it because not everyone has TS, they don't bother or they don't know how. But when you get a popup message where it says for example "Do you want to join VTC's Convoy Room?", then most likely more people will join in. That is my theory and thought about it. But I'm also agreeing about what you say about all the other options, I'm just trying to suggest a better or easier method for those different programs and methods, and making convoys maybe better too.
  3. Yea, but not everybody has CB on and you have to get everyone to a different channel if you choose so. That's my view
  4. Suggestion Name: In-game chat rooms/convoy rooms Suggestion Description: So my suggestion is to add the feature to be able to make a chat room which is like a box (like the tab window) where you as the owner of the room can invite other people to chat with. And if you had like atleast 10 people in your room, you could send out a request which pops up for everybody and you can join it. And I assume it can be disabled in Rotterdam/EP to prevent spam requests. Another feature in the chat room thingy could be like a whitelist where you as the owner could choose which people can chat. So the rest could only watch the chat room. Any example images: Nope Why should it be added?: First of all, I think it will get handy for people driving together in a crowdy area, but they don't have to use the drowned public chat, or use the time taking pm system (pm is not that bad, I like it). And for convoys, I think it would give a whole new way to make them, because then the owner of the convoy or someone else that has atleast 10 people in the chat room, could invite everyone to join it as like the official convoy room and the CCs (convoy controllers) could send out the messages or announcements loud and clear without the need to repeat it all the time. Everyone can see it nice and tidy! And then of course the whitelist system would make that only the CCs could message in the room so nobody could interrupt or troll there in the room. I hope this made some sense and I'm really happy to discuss it Thanks!
  5. You also have to ensure that you are only using the pilot beacon or no beacon. All the other ones including the small uncercover beacon is only for police/admins.
  6. Hey. I have also had this problem. I solved it by just uninstalling all mods and then later, reinstalled them again. I found out that it was the mods that had got a bit funky and simply reinstalling them should solve your problem. Thanks!
  7. Live now on Twitch with LKW's official convoy!


  8. Ok, I see. Thanks for letting me know that I could just write too.
  9. Topic Title: Can't make a "occured" date at 02:00 in the report section. [WEB] ETS2MP ID: 568213 URL: http://truckersmp.com/en_US/reports/create Server Time / Date: 03.27.2016 04:43 / 03:43 GMT How to reproduce: Make a new report and attempt to make the "occured" date 02:00 in the morning, will show 03:00 instead of 02:00. Browser: Google Chrome Screenshots: http://imgur.com/nulBhWX / Videos: No video(s).
  10. Ok. Thanks for the information, I will now try to make the reports with a good enough quality video and some screenshots.
  11. So when you report somebody, it is much better to also have evidence, and I use video in me reports. Do the video need to have good enough quality to see the player's tag that I reported? Because I always write the /pinfo command in such events, and I get all the data I need for a correct report, then I write all the /pinfo stuff in the report message. But you can't see the data in the video, but only the tag and name. Thanks!
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