Kielly's Achievements
12 hours later and many headaches trying to fix my vBulletin only to find out my host forcefully updated my PHP version.
Thanks for the warning HostGator.
Decided to make another one yesterday. Don't judge, I was up for over 24 hours and pretty much anything was funny to me at that point.
So after two and a half painful hours of uploading I finally got a video uploaded. What do y'all think? Not to bad for my first time opening sony vegas. Was debating on cutting everything out until 2:21 but meh. Criticism is wanted
**There may or may not be vulgar language. You may or may not have been warned** - For all you PG-13's out there
In the mood to put my editing skills to the test with a new program. Making a video compilation of hilarious moments in ATS and idiotic moments. I have a good few clips but I don't feel like driving around forever to find something funny to add in. If you got anything you'd like me to add in email it to [email protected] and ill be sure to give you credit!