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[ST-LH] Calbert

Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by [ST-LH] Calbert

  1. These snow hills annoy me on dual carriage ways. I personally do not use the wintermod as I prefer to drive in glorious sunshine(with a bit of rain). Trolls sometimes use the snow as a ramp to get into the opposite carriageway to them to cause crashes. Does my nut in.
  2. Just once i'd like to get where I'm going without a Russian hitting my truck..

    1. Njord


      That's easy, all you need to do is stick to the country roads and no take jobs which goes to high populated cities.

    2. [ST-LH] Calbert

      [ST-LH] Calbert

      I'm not gonna take jobs to facilitate the idiotic drivers. They need to be dealt with. ;)

    3. Dave


      When you watch these enough times it becomes normal. If they're Russian, don't be surprised at what happens.


  3. Getting sick of jobs disappearing all the time. :@

    1. delboyspencer


      Why play it then Chris

    2. RichEdmonds


      Just think if you manage to finally get a job and no one can see your trailer. :-( #SadRich #StopTheTrailerAbuse #IncorrectHastagUsage

  4. IMO. Forum moderators shouldn't put "FORUM MOD" in their in-game name. There's no way to verify if they're actually that person. Just saw this now in london.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. FirestarteR93


      there is a way(most of us use same name IG)/ yes, i don't have any tags :P

    3. Flashylights


      Just ignore it he cant do nothing

    4. Dave


      Personally, I identity someone by their profile image and/or username but at the same time I can see merit to what Blackadder was on about.

  5. Nothing like deflecting it away from your servers, eh?
  6. Game time is synchronised for everyone, so this is disabled.
  7. Errr. Correct me if I am wrong, but where is version 1.16.1..? I only see the beta for that.
  8. I'm unsure whether anyone else has noticed this. But traffic lights DO NOT cycle properly at night. They seem to be flashing amber from midnight - 6am. Then they cycle normally again.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Creatured


      go in sp it does the same at night but at day its only suposed to go from red amber green in germany

    3. Flashylights


      for me its normal with traffic lights and flashing amber is on older versions too

    4. S2020


      Posted a response about it:

  9. Agreed! or left it as it was before! Don't fix what isn't broken, as they say..
  10. Appears they don't want to remove it. http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/5029-snowing-effect-all-the-time-in-and-out-cam/
  11. HA! No chance. This wasn't fixed, buddy.
  12. Is there an ETA for a fix? Seriously, the mod is unplayable in its current state. And don't just say be patient, because that's wearing pretty thin with everybody now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. konfig0


      The crashes.

    3. [ST-LH] Calbert

      [ST-LH] Calbert

      So their method of testing is to stream the usual CCTV..? Because that is all I saw.

    4. konfig0


      Uhm no, whole staff team got it, I am sure some admins are driving around now!

  13. Happened to me earlier aswell. Stopped for fuel near amsterdam, next thing I know, my lorry decided to spread its wings and fly..
  14. Because I complained about this yesterday(only on the status part of the forum) and an admin posted there telling me to stop whining, he was actually pretty rude to me. Also, if they were working on it, they'd either think to revert back to the previous version of the mod, like people have suggested OR they'd have found a fix already.
  15. Ooo. Better not whine about it. The admins will make a really unprofessinal post about how they're not fixing it. I agree that they don't seem to be doing anything.
  16. Lights are glitched everywhere. They only work from 06:00-23:59.
  17. It happens when people in cities add parts to their trucks! If they had some decency, they'd not do that shit when so many people are around.
  18. Lack of a fix coming out. That's what is going on..
  19. Is there an ETA on a fix for these crashes because it is seriously taking the piss now. Trying to drive into a city is nigh on impossible because it'll crash.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. [ST-LH] Calbert

      [ST-LH] Calbert

      Exactly. A lot of the admins have a case of "engage mouth before brain".

    3. Kamusel


      I'm just saying be patient instead of complaining :)

    4. Kamusel


      And you should check the wording of what I said "technically" doesn't mean just they do it.

  20. Did anything actually get fixed with the servers earlier or did the game crashing issue get fixed the other day? Seems not because the game is still consistantly crashing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. UnknownAX
    3. konfig0


      We fixed some things server-side, not crashes.

    4. S2020


      Crashes probably will not be fixed till another client update. Greatly have to do with client side enforcement.

  21. It says it under everyones names, you just can't see it under anyone's username but your own. And if it says 0, then you don't have any warning points.
  22. Testing period clearly wasn't long enough then. Devs and admins NEED to admit their mistakes sometimes.
  23. That's fair enough, but imo, they should make sure their update is stable before release. Seems they haven't done that this time.
  24. It won't. Not until they either fix the issues they created or revert back to the previous mod whilst they work on updating it properly. It's pretty much unplayable without the game crashing. I've gone to the singleplayer for now(yay can use whatever mod i like).
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