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Aussie Aussie Aussie [EN]

Veteran Driver IX
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Status Updates posted by Aussie Aussie Aussie [EN]

  1. hope you all are doing well. It's been a year now since I played ETS2. Been very busy with my studies and moving and just got back on TruckersMP website today.

  2. Just saying thanks to the team at Truckers MP for the awesome mod. Enjoyed it so much and don't regret signing up one bit. I will miss playing and I will still be around the forums and happy truckin'.

    1. Digital


      Oi Oi Oi!


      Glad you could join the community! :)

    2. Aussie Aussie Aussie [EN]
  3. I just finished changing my name and profile pictures officially.

  4. took me a couple weeks but finally finish exploring the map (99.98%)


    1. Cyrusj


      Nice! I have restarted my profiles so many times that now i don't bother with exploring the map..


      I think I'm only at 25% on my newest one.

    2. Aussie Aussie Aussie [EN]

      Aussie Aussie Aussie [EN]

      Yeah, I had camera issues at one time so I needed to uninstall and reinstall ETS2 and reload a profile I had and I just decided to try and complete the rest myself

  5. hey everyone, hope you are going good... happy trucking

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      Hey Mate , Yea i am not to bad thanks , how are you doing  ;)

    2. Aussie Aussie Aussie [EN]
    3. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      Great to hear that mate  :D 

  6. Just dropping a status update to say hello

  7. hope everyone is doing well

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      thanks mate , i hope you have  a  awesome day :D

    2. Aussie Aussie Aussie [EN]
  8. Im ready to start playing again after a few months off. I have read the updates rules and can't wait to experience MP again.

    1. BIG of ROT

      BIG of ROT

      Lets go!!! Holla at me if you see me on MP! @trucking' down under

    2. Aussie Aussie Aussie [EN]

      Aussie Aussie Aussie [EN]

      will do, I won't be on for a few days yet

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