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[VIVA] [BG] Vinnie P.B.

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by [VIVA] [BG] Vinnie P.B.

  1. That will be awesome. Really. Hope so happens soon...
  2. I'll remove car weight and when they hit a truck/trailer - fly away instantly.
  3. @InsanoDeath Hi, How much longer will beta testing last and when is the final/finished product expected to be released?
  4. As all toxic "players" pay 5-10 euros each for the 2 games, they will pay the same amount for TMP as well. And they will troll everyone and everything again... Maybe SCS and TMP should agree on something serious like a future paid project with a serious monthly/annual fee?
  5. Absolutely +1 for multi-language platform, options, settings and stuff.
  6. Owh, ok, oukey. Website profile. Saw it. Thanx a lot @Leon Baker ! But still does not appear on my /achievements page with other public ones..?
  7. I finished the survey at the beginning of August. And think I have a problem with this... Still can't see it in my profile. How exactly to claim it/get it?
  8. TOP Tier: Scania, Vovlo, Mercedes & Man Then, any others...
  9. Put more cars, vans, buses, etc. in the game, but the main point are the trucks after all.
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