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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Titanic4

  1. In order to use G920 you must have LGS(Logitech Gaming Software) installed in your system as it contains drivers needed for the wheel. Do you have it installed?
  2. What are binds of "Steering left" and/or "Steering right"? Can you show the screenshot of the first page of "Keys and Buttons" section of game options?
  3. Try launching the launcher as administrator. Otherwise, check if either ETS2MP and/or ATSMP are not running at the moment.
  4. Firstly, there's already "Car with trailer" reason on the list of possible reasons. After dropping down the "Reason" list you'll see the said reason between "Wrong way" and "Reckless driving". Lastly, spawning on the road is not bannable. Spawning on the road is mostly accidental as it happens when the last autosave, which was made on the busy road was reloaded after unexpected game crash, power outage, etc.
  5. Unless you're logged in IGA, you can't simply see anything outside of the range of normal player. You will need to stay at service point/garage of the city in order to see the players within that area.
  6. @Warning Ahoday? The purpose of the report rating system is to eliminate players, who constantly submit bad reports from the reporting system, so you'll get quicker response to your report.
  7. This message is expected when you're using the plugins, which are located in the "plugins" folder, which is located right next to main EXE file of ETS2/ATS.
  8. Such thing is called "Player tag". After opening the game settings you'll see the "Tag" textbox with the color setting right next to it. After writing something into that textbox and pressing "Apply", the text you've typed into the textbox will appear right next to your in-game nick. The tag will have color you've chosen. Check the rule §3.1 before setting the tag - if you break it, the IGA may kick you while asking you to change the tag in the kick reason. If you get banned for the tag, you will be told to change the tag, followed by making the appeal in the ban reason. You will then need to provide evidence, which shows the settings window after you change the tag. You don't have to login in order to change the tag. There's cog button in upper left corner of the screen on login screen.
  9. Titanic4


    Na chwilę obecną jest ok. 5800 zgłoszeń, więc radzę zachować cierpliwość. Administratorzy mają również życie prywatne
  10. Ta komenda została wyłączona z następującego powodu: gdy owa komenda była dostępna, ówczesny system zgłoszeń był wykorzystywany czasami jako system kontaktu z obecnie zalogowaną administracją, czasami komenda była mylona z komendą wysyłania prywatnej wiadomości z powodu identycznej liczby parametrów, co komenda /pm.
  11. Have you checked the physical mute switch on the headset itself, if your headset has one? Try switching it into opposite state.
  12. TruckersMP nie wspiera systemów 32-bitowych. Musisz mieć system 64-bitowy by móc zagrać w TruckersMP.
  13. I should be able to take part in this convoy.
  14. Jednym z rozwiązań jest wykonanie szybkiej podróży do innego garażu niż tego w mieście, w którym się obecnie znajdujesz w grze.
  15. Titanic4


    Twój ban się zakończy za 50-51 minut, o godz. 20:51 czasu UTC. Po za tym, forum nie jest właściwym miejscem na wszelkiego rodzaju apelacje. Pod tym linkiem możesz złożyć apelację. Wątek został zamknięty i przeniesiony do archiwum.
  16. All ban times are using UTC time zone. You have to wait 51-52 minutes for the ban to expire by itself.
  17. Any kind of music being played over CB radio will result in a punishment.
  18. W pewnych przypadkach, jak na przykład blokowanie, rozbijanie się, muzyka na CB, wymagany jest dowód w postaci filmu wideo, który musi być przedtem wysłany na YouTube. W przypadku samochodu z naczepą, obrażaniem przez czat tekstowy, niewłaściwy awatar/tag/nick, screenshot jest w zupełności wystarczającym dowodem, przy czym w pierwszym przypadku należy pamiętać, by sprawca był widoczny w całości.
  19. If you're not doing any job, yet you still have 90 km/h speed limit, check the gameplay options for the speed limiter option and uncheck it.
  20. There are 2 ways to solve the car with trailer problem: - Block any trailer from being used, just like how the Schwarzmuller trailers were blocked before they got supported if the player's current vehicle is Scout Super_D - Automatic kick when the car has the trailer assigned, just like it happens with the police accessories/paintjob This automatic check will make the administrator work slightly easier as there are many other violations to care about, such as: wrong way driving, ramming, blocking, insulting, using profanity, etc. +1 from me.
  21. @Venture_ms The limit on how many reports can you make at one time depends on the score. The higher the score, the more reports you'll be able to make at one time. This system is made for clearing the report system from bad reports. Your reports will be processed as the backlog gets cleared.
  22. Titanic4

    Konto TruckersMP

    Znaczenie koloru kropki: Zielona kropka - ban, który liczy się do historii żółta kropka - ban, który jest starszy niż rok czerwona kropka - ban, który został usunięty z listy banów konta.
  23. All reports before Saturday will also be counted towards the limit. Example: User has 12 reports made before Saturday. After the update he'll be unable to make new reports, because his limit is broken at the moment, until all his reports are handled.
  24. @zechuotv This is basically like some kind of reputation system. By making good reports, the user is rewarded with ability to make additional reports. By making bad reports, the user may get limitations on how many reports the user can make, eventually revoking the ability to make reports. Such thing is made to filter out the players, who are making useless reports, reports with wrong ID, ban complaints in the report in order to reduce the report inflow, thus making the system more efficient, which means that you don't have to wait so long to get the report processed.
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