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The Next Station

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About The Next Station

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    Turkish, No English, Fish

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  1. abi evlendin galiba oyunu bırakıyorsan hesabına talibim xd

    1. -VOYVODA-


      çok ayıp 😂

  2. well deserved bro

    1. ^Dominik^


      Thank you ❤️ 

  3. Hey mate,Will I see you in truckersmp team again?  🙂

  4. Welcome back bro // Türkçe yazmadım havam olsun azcık 😎



      Thank you so much bro! 

  5. I support your suggestion, and I also think that abuse will doesn't harm as opposed to a system of kick with a vote.
  6. Long time to see you ^^

  7. im curious why you still training since five months?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. RedNub


      That's good then, Good luck and hopefully there will be all going well rlly soon.! 

    3. Ali.


      Personally I don't think it's any persons concerns with regards to why, there's obviously things that are going on that don't require you to know and personally it's no ones information.😄

    4. The Next Station
  8. Congratulations baby discord moderator

  9. Vaaay tebrik ediyorum 

  10. Happy Birthday Lotus! :HaulieLove:

  11. Happy birthday! I hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true. ❤️ 

    1. The Next Station

      The Next Station

      Thank you for all your best wishes ❤️

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