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The Englishman

Veteran Driver
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Everything posted by The Englishman

  1. This is exactly why you should keep distance.
  2. Have you tried joining when in a less populated city? If you join in a high populated city and your internet connection isn't good it may struggle to load in other players and get overwhelmed and the connection to TMP could break. Another option is to find any other programs on your computer that is also using bandwith on your internet connection and stop them as in closing them and then try to join TMP again.
  3. Something with the new DLC and the current build of TMP just isn't right.....having more crashes than ever before ever since the new trailer DLC came out yesterday...

  4. If they were the one in the video driving that truck they'd of already have the sound mod(s) and wouldn't be asking in the forums asking how to get it. @hexada00 I've looked at the video and in the description the channel owner has put links as to what they've used: **Used: Weather_2.5 @ https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=314079 **Sound Fixes Pack v23.60 - ETS2 @ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=648591060 **JC's Amateur Engine Pack @ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2618365930&searchtext=engine+pack **Realistic Light Effect @ https://www.ets2modworld.com/2022/11/realistic-light-effect-146x.html **Note that most of these mods won't work within TMP so to get the full experience you'll be best off doing it in single player where they will be supported.
  5. 2380 is totally at fault here, I personally cannot see why you're partly blaming yourself for this when it's 100% 2380's fault. You should make the report.
  6. Checked out the beta, info on the map strongly suggests a new (West Balkans) dlc is being prepped as new roads and rest stops and fuel stations far out in the middle of nowhere are there to be seen as well as new roads being made ready for the new roads on the West Balkans dlc. This could be why there's a 2 week gap between ATS 1.48 beta and ETS2 1.48 beta as they'll both have a 2 week gap between the two new dlc releases.
  7. I thought the construction zone in calias was due to be done on the 2nd....went through it earlier...nothings changed dispite the update we had today.

    1. PzKpfw Bing Chilling

      PzKpfw Bing Chilling

      Yeah, I was really hoping it was over. Perhaps they've made it a permanent fixture of the map! 🫥

  8. Below is the best way to do it, not the forums. https://truckersmp.com/feedback Regards
  9. ^ Yes correct they cannot use chat. You're able to press "Y" to open chat but you'll not be able to type anything. Also make not that if you're within a city that has a speed limit set by TMP and you disconnect you'll be limited to that speed until you quit the game or try to reconnect via the launchpad.
  10. While this may be a good idea think of the players of whom are kicked (for a reason) are then able to reconnect pretty much instantly to resume the trolling they were doing before being kicked. Remember when thinking of the good, always remember the bad.
  11. The Englishman


    Had a break from here a while back so had pretty much two years of not doing anything with ETS2 but so far my hours are 3,884.
  12. The UK (not bias) but it serisouly needs a rework or even a total overhaul as many parts of the UK as they have it are quite dangerous, in regards to how they have the road layout.
  13. Yes that exactly it, it's so i'll not be disturbed when driving.
  14. Nope, first two things I do when I join the server is /blockpm and /cb 0
  15. Ah the moment when bilboards gets redone before a UK rework...
  16. A kick feels kinda weak to be honest
  17. You should do what I do and just not care. Makes life so much more enjoyable....trust me.
  18. ^ Again you're not forced to be there, if you don't like the area how it is go someplace else. Remember you have a choice. Also there is a bug with the cars at the moment hence why people aren't able to purchase one.
  19. First of all you're not being forced to be there, the area is like a mini special ops until a certain date (where i'm assuming they'll of finished their project). Would you prefer we had a server where nothing was done and no special events were happening on said server?
  20. This may actually be a good idea, pay a small fee to display a persons vtc so it's not spammed every 0.5 seconds in chat.
  21. I have two, Saving Private Ryan and Forest Gump (I'm a fan of Tom Hanks too)
  22. Personally I feel that strobe lights should only be placed on the front of the truck and the rear of a (heavy goods) trailer. Having them placed anywhere else makes it look silly and tacky.
  23. Tmp now supports the new ETS2 update, update it via steam and then via the launcher then you'll be good to go on the servers again.
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