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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by DMGangster

  1. Heyho leute, Jetzt gibts ja die neue Weihnachtsaktion. Ich bin 5x einen externen Auftrag in eine andere Stadt gefahren (trotzdem selbes Land), aber im Fortschritt steht nur 1/10 Städten. - Und normal wurden die Aufträge gezählt. Mach ich da was falsch??
  2. Kennt sich jemand mit den Euro-Münzen aus? Is somebody very keen on Euro-Coins or rather the Euro currency?

  3. first time of my life, were i finished my exams and used a shisha and drinked a beer


  4. I want to  trade the  ETS2 Force of Nature Paint Jobs Pack

  5. Do somemody want to have die ETS2 Force of nature Paint Jobs Pack? I've bought it with VPN, but i cant use it.

  6. Tomorrow, my final exam will start :o (Germany, Realschule)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jx_23


      Bei mir waren die früher lol


    3. DMGangster


      Hmm. Ich wohn in Bayern^^ Kann sein dass es Unterscheide gibt innerhalb der Bundesländer

  7. Very nice and very helpful thank you dude.
  8. this does what mean? (atm? ) I got these chrashes since, this update... The other one worked fine
  9. Oh mann.. Normally a nice update, but now i will always get a crash, when i drive onto the race track -.- thats my crash.log and this my game.log:
  10. I have the same tv as my monitor but also i got a second one from acer^^
  11. Yep, there is a notepadd++ you have to use that, because the normal notepad changes the lines. and if you safe that, the game cant read it. Just load another safe and decrypt it and then open with notepad++
  12. @DavidOC93 Yes but it wasnt with notepad++. You use the normal notepad. This is wrong..
  13. @DavidOC93 You needto edit it with Notepad ++
  14. ^ But i dont know which line is it for the car? Could you please explain that
  15. Why did nobody answers me? I want to know how to add a beacon or somtehing like that on the roof...
  16. @Jobawick which skin is it on your car? (the car in your signature) @[SFH] DJ Lewis Where can i add a light bar? Or how can i add them?
  17. @[SFH] DJ Lewis Hey, thats a nice tutorial! Could you say us, which line is for the part where you put on the police/pilot signs? I want to have there some truck lights also
  18. FC Bayern or Schalke?

    1. DerAmpelmann


      Is non of the above an option? :P

    2. DMGangster
  19. Hey! Can you update this? And maby also for ATSMP? #AdminPlsPinIt
  20. How did you edited the colors of the tab menu and the font?
  21. Suggestion Name: Oportunity to costumize the standart (and DLC) paintjobs with a synchronized text Suggestion Description: You can edit and costumize the paintjobs with an text by yourself, which is synced - just like the lizenze plates in the truck interior. It should be possible, to edit this text in the size, colors, etc. and also it should be possible to move the text around the truck. This function should be limited by 6 times or something like that. Any example images: I tried my best to photoshop it.: Why should it be added?: Because, the players have more oportunites to optimize their truck and make companies, or just edit it to personalize their truck
  22. +1 But maybe we should also add Some Channels for extra languages, like: English, Polish, German, Russian, etc
  23. Villeicht einfach mal reparieren gehen, in der nächsten Werkstatt^^ Wenn dein Truck beschädigt ist, dann kann es passieren, dass der Motor ausgeht^^ Oder wo der Motor auch ausgeht ist, wenn du in ATS z. B. in San Francisico an ner Ampel stehst, wo die Straße eine Steigung hat und du aus dem Stillstand losfahren willst, säuft der Motor ab^^ -> Da hilft es, die Bremse zu drücken, und parallel (während die Bremse gedrückt ist) Gas geben und dann bei hoher drezahl die Bremse loslassen und fahren
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