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Verified VTC Leader
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Extreme`

  1. Happy birthday bro!!!!

    1. ^Dominik^


      Thank you so much ❤️ 

  2. Congratulations!!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!  

    1. Funkenstein


      Thank you so much!! Sorry for the late response never realized my birthday was shown here until now lol (thought I hid it) 

  4. Thyago, Parabéns pela conquista, um trabalho de excelência com certeza traria grandes recompensas.

  5. The Best Goes Farther ❤️


  6. Happy Birthday! 🥳

  7. Happy Birthday! 🥳

  8. Congrats bro!!!

  9. Congratulations bro!!

  10. Congratulations bro!! 😉

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