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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Nalet

  • Birthday 05/04/1986

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Preferred Trucks
    Freightliner Cascadia®
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Hamburg
  • Known languages
    Turkish (Native), English

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5810 profile views

Nalet's Achievements


Rookie (2/13)

  • One Year On
  • Getting Noticed
  • Collaborator
  • One Month Later
  • Dedicated

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  1. Nalet

    Kelime Oyunu

  2. Nalet

    Kelime Oyunu

  3. Etkinliğe katılacağımı sanmıyorum ancak katılacak olan herkese iyi eğlenceler!
  4. Nalet

    Kelime Oyunu

  5. Nalet

    Kelime Oyunu

  6. Hello @iTeoYT; I think it may help if u follow the instructions I'll write to u. Go to TMP Launcher > Settings and enter the command -rdevice gl in the Euro Truck Simulator 2 console options section, then save the settings and try to access TMP again. King regards; Nalet TruckersMP Veteran II Driver.
  7. Happy Birthday 🎂

  8. Happy Birthday 🎂

  9. Excellent statistics. Congratulations!
  10. Esteemed TruckersMP management family; I sincerely appreciate your efforts to reach us users and provide the best service with the survey and survey-like activities u've prepared. And thank u for providing a survey that is understandable in many languages. I participated by answering the survey questions as much as I could. I also made a small suggestion about the web and forum site, which is my special interest. I've no doubt that it will be taken into consideration. Thank u for the profile award u will give as a gift. I'm also excited about the chance to win a prize in the Steam gift card/Discord Nitro subscription giveaway! Good luck beautiful family! Kind Regards; Nalet TruckersMP Veteran Driver.
  11. Looks nice!
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