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Doñ Cheeki

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Everything posted by Doñ Cheeki

  1. ???? ??????? ????????! ? ???? ??? ?? ????????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?????! ?



    1. RedNub


      Good evening and good night♥️♥️

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Brilliant photo ??❤️ Thanks wish you a wonderful rest of your week too ?

  2. Привет, Чтобы решить вашу проблему, проверьте файлы игры, чтобы найти и / или восстановить их, если они повреждены. Чтобы проверить файлы игры, перейдите в Steam -> Библиотека -> щелкните правой кнопкой мыши ETS -> Свойства -> Локальные файлы -> Проверить целостность файла игры ... Вот его фото того, как он выглядит и где нажимать: https://imgur.com/a/RwnYwE3 Проверьте файлы игры два-три раза, чтобы убедиться, что все исправлено правильно. Это поможет вам на 100%. Думаю, я мог бы помочь тебе с твоей проблемой. Желаю тебе хороших выходных! До свидания, Doñ Cheeki ™
  3. Привет, Эта проблема возникает, когда подключение к Интернету нестабильно, поэтому попробуйте повторно подключиться к маршрутизатору, подождите пару минут, а затем подключитесь снова и запустите TruckersMP. Если это не помогло, перезагрузите ваш Интернет-маршрутизатор. Оставьте его выключенным на 15–30 минут, а затем снова включите. Также может быть, что мировое соединение с этим оператором невозможно, поэтому это может быть что угодно, если эти советы сверху не работают. Единственное, что вы можете попробовать в конце, - набраться терпения, подождать день или два и попробовать еще раз. С уважением, Doñ Cheeki
  4. Selamlar knk, Bu zaten defalarca tartışıldı, bu yüzden bir Moderatör bu Konuya cevap verecek ve konuyu kapatacak. 150 km/s sınırlayıcıyı tekrar almaya çalışmak işe yaramaz. Saygılarımla, Doñ Cheeki
  5. Hallo @hazebuds81, es kann sein das deine Spieldatei -en beschädigt worden sind. Um dies zu reparieren, musst du folgendes tun. Öffne dein Steam, klicke auf "Bibliothek", einmal Rechtsklick auf "Euro Truck Simulator 2", drücke auf "Eigenschaften" und dann auf "Lokale Dateien", und wenn du dort bist drücke auf "Spieldateien auf Fehler überprüfen ...". Ich habe es gelesen das du dies schon ausprobiert hast, aber versuche es zwei bis drei mal dann sollte es zu 100% funktionieren weil es kann sein das durch diesen Hack die Dateien verloren gegangen sind die von einem zurücksetzten des Spiel nicht wieder zurückkommen. Deswegen, überprüfe das Spiel auf Fehler mehrmals weil da lädt Steam die benötigte Dateien runter damit das Spiel wieder rund läuft. Sagen wir mal so, es gibt eine Datei die beschädigt ist und deswegen schiebt Steam diesen Fehler raus. Wenn du diese Datei, aber mehrmals durch das Überprüfen reparierst dann fordert Steam den SCS Server auf diese eine Datei komplett zu erneuern und ladet sie sofort komplett neu runter. Und durch das De- und wieder Installieren wird diese eine Datei nicht repariert/ersetzt, sie bleibt gleich da Steam die vorherige Datei Version gespeichert hat. Ich hatte das selbe Problem und ich habe es auch so gemacht und es hat wieder funktioniert. Das De- und wieder Installieren hilft nie wenn es um so eine Fehlermeldung geht. Ich hoffe das ich dir dabei Helfen konnte, wenn nicht dann markiere mich bitte wieder und ich suche nach einer neuen Lösung weil dann kann es sein das du etwas mit der ProMods hast. Ich wünsche dir einen tollen Samstag Abend! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Doñ Cheeki
  6. Dzień dobry, Problem polega na tym, że Twój profil w grze nie został poprawnie zaktualizowany za pomocą nowych dodatków. Spróbuj utworzyć nowy profil, ponieważ wersja 1.42 ma inną synchronizację jako 1.39 i 1.40. Możesz rozwiązać swój problem tylko poprzez utworzenie nowego i zweryfikowanie plików gry, aby znaleźć i/lub naprawić je, jeśli są uszkodzone. Aby zweryfikować pliki gry, przejdź do Steam -> Biblioteka -> kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na ETS -> Właściwości -> Pliki lokalne -> Sprawdź integralność plików gry... Oto jego zdjęcie, jak to wygląda i gdzie należy kliknąć: https://imgur.com/a/RwnYwE3 Sprawdź pliki gry dwa do trzech razy, aby wszystko zostało poprawnie naprawione. Myślę, że mógłbym ci pomóc z twoim problemem, Życzę Ci dobrego weekendu! Do widzenia, Doñ Cheeki™
  7. Dzień dobry. Ten problem dotyczy wszystkich, którzy chcą korzystać z przyczepy HTC w Europie, ponieważ SCS nie używa ich domyślnie w Europie. Jedynym sposobem, aby otrzymać pracę dla HTC, jest użycie Virtual Speditor. Virtual Speditor to program, w którym możesz tworzyć własne ładunki itp. Łączę ci wideo poniżej, jak zainstalować i zobaczyć, co to właściwie jest i jak działa. Wideo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Psl45QMGKvI Do widzenia, Doñ Cheeki™
  8. Hey everyone. ? Cheeki wish you all an wonderful rest of the Day and Good Morning ❤️ ??



    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Hello ?? Good Morning ☕ Wish you a wonderful rest of the day too ❤️

    2. MarkON




      Thanks and you too great day!


      ps. Cool shot! good job

    3. Doñ Cheeki
  9. Hey guys ?, how was your Day today? If it wasn't good, I wish you an wonderful rest of the day. I wish you an wonderful rest of the Day however your Day was. ?



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arcticwolfs


      Hello nice photo of the truck.

    3. Doñ Cheeki

      Doñ Cheeki

      Have a good one mate @MarkON?


      Thank you Boss @RB1988 ?❤️


      Thank you @WNxArcticwolf?

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great photo ?❤️ My day was good ? Thx wish you a wonderful rest of your day/night too ?

  10. Hey @GriechischerWein, as I know that might be an hybrid Truck. Uhm, that means that he had the Cabin from an Mercedes and the Chassis from the new Scania S. 1. Buy an Scania S/R and tune it how you want it to be. (Tune ONLY the CHASSIS Parts) 2. Buy an Mercedes 2009 and tune it how you want it to be. (Tune ONLY the CABIN Parts + Interior) 3. Go to Settings > Keyboard Settings > Scroll down and find "Quick Save/Schnellspeichern" and set it up where you want. 4. Go back to your Truck and press the Key for "Quick Save/Schnellspeichern". (At the left Top corner, you'll see an "Save/Speichern" Sign) 5. Download this here -> https://sharemods.com/mabm93sl5bvz/SII_Decrypt.zip.html, and drag it to C:/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/profiles/>your Profile</save/quicksave 5. Go to C:/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/profiles/>your Profile</save/quicksave and drag the File called "game.sii" into the "sii_descrypt". 6. Open "game.sii" with EDITOR and at the top left you'll see "Edit/Bearbeiten", kick on that and go on "Search/Suchen" 7. Search downward for "cabin/" until you see/find the Cabin of the old Mercedes 8. Once you've found that, copy the whole code as example: "/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros2014/cabin/gs_8x4.sii" 9. When you've copied that, search up for "cabin/" until you find the Scania S/R Cabin and when you find it, just replace the Scania S/R Code with the Code from Mercedes 10. Now, save it and enter the Game. 11. ESC > Load&Save > now load the first Save you see there. It says "Quicksave/Schnellspeicherung". 12. Now you should have the Cabin from the old Mercedes on your Scania S/R. If that haven't helped you, you can DM me on Discord: C H E E K I .#0036 and I will help you in an Voice Chat if you need the Help. I wish you an wonderful rest of the Day. ?? King Regards, Doñ Cheeki™
  11. Hey @Terbiyeli31[TR], you're not the only one. The Game itself got a lot of Graphic Updates since 1.40 and that's the most known Problem. As I could see, your PC is on the "Recommended" Line that is needed to play Euro Truck Simulator 2 in Singleplayer. But, your PC is on the "Minimum" Line to play TruckersMP since TruckersMP requires at "Minimum" 4GB RAM and at "Recommended" 6GB RAM and that's the Problem that gets yourself KICKED from the Game. As you might have 4 Slots for RAM Memory, I think that the "On Budget" Solution would be to buy 2x 2GB RAM on Amazon so you can get the Work of your PC sorted out and you could play TruckersMP without big Problems, such as being kicked out etc. you will have Lags too since your Graphic Card is bit old, but you won't get "useless" kicked out. My Computer specs: Processor: Intel Core i5-7400 3.00GHz RAM: 32GB (standard 8GB) Nvidia GeForce 1060 6GB 1TB Storage Even with these "little better" Specs, I have lags in Cities as such Calais, Düsseldorf etc. (high populated Areas). But as I had my standard RAM Memory, I got kicked out several Times as well, and since I've upgraded my RAM Memory to 32GB, the Game is 94% of Time working on 62FPS without any Problems. Tipp: Just don't use any ReShade Settings I think I could help you out and wish you an wonderful rest of the Day. King Regards, Doñ Cheeki™
  12. Hey everyone, today I would like to invite you all to my Community Server based on Local MODs for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and general Gaming stuff. Everyone of you is welcome. 860899328020185138.gif?v=1  Invite: https://discord.gg/QJEajCKtZx   


  13. Good Morning everyone. ? Pries wishes you an beautiful rest of the Day ?



    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Good Morning ☕ Thx wish you a beautiful rest of the Day too ?

  14. Hello @oguzhan6, I had the same Problem and here is an sollution which is working 100%. I solved the Problem by using this. If you have Upgraded your Game to 1.41 and run the Game then there is no way out to get the same Profile work again on 1.40 Version. That happens because the Version 1.41 is using an another Way of Synchronisation and it adds a lot of new Codes into your Profile which aren't supported on 1.40 and which are nor removeable by Save Editing. You need to create an new In-Game Profile or download one from here (I searched it for you already): https://ets2.lt/en/?s=ETS+1.40+Profile By downloading an Profile, you will avoid all these first steps etc. which is much easier than creating an new Profile and starting from beginning. King Regards, Don Cheeki.
  15. ?The Best is the Least We Can Do ? Wish you all an wonderful rest of the Day. ?


  16. Hello @Kearlett, as I know out of my Report experience, if the declined Reports have been declined one by one and there is no accepted Report between these, then your Limit is not getting higher because you have a lot of declined Reports that have been declined one after the other. As I know, you should have atleast 5 accepted Reports since the last declined one so your limit get higher. King Regards, Don Cheeki
  17. Hello @YO_X2D, Upgrade your Game to this Version ( https://imgur.com/a/Sxgq7zZ ), after that choose ( None ). I had the same Problem couple Weeks ago and I solved it by this Method. King Regards, Doñ Cheeki
  18. Heyo everyone. Wish you all an wonderful rest of the Day. ❤️ ?


    1. .Pedro.


      Nice photo!

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Hey ??  Nice Photo ?

    3. Meto5


      Nice photo!

  19. Hello everyone. Wish you all an wonderful rest of the Day. ❤️ ?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arcticwolfs


      have a nice day and nice photo.

    3. Lena'


      Hello Oye ❤️ perfect pic ? 

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Hello ?? Great photo and Scanias ?❤️

  20. Hello everyone, wish you an wonderful Sunday. ? ❤️ 



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Hello ?? Great photo ? wish you a wonderful Sunday too ?

    3. [MCG] Masunio

      [MCG] Masunio

      Awesome Scania ❤️ 

    4. Meto5
  21. Hello everyone. ? How was you Day? ? ?



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Hello ?? My days been good, yours? Great photo and Volvo ?

    3. Doñ Cheeki
    4. Doñ Cheeki

      Doñ Cheeki

      Great as always, thanks for asking. Thank you mate @Killua // Ireland ^_^. ? 

  22. Wish you all an wonderful Day! ?



    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great photo and Scania ?❤️

    2. Lena'


      Scania looks great ❤️ 

  23. What a wonderful Day today. Hello everyone. ?



  24. ?? Happy Birthday Killua. Hope all your Wishes get true and wish you an Wonderful Day. ??

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