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Veteran Driver III
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About PunisherQQ

  • Birthday 05/20/1995

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  • EU Garage Location
    Norway: Oslo
  • Known languages
    Romanian, English

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  1. Damn this drama took longer than I expected. But now that it's over I'm sad
  2. You need to understand that this is not even fun anymore. It was at least interesting for a time. It's clearly that you're desperate for attention but it's fine, you can still do good and just stop. You're not even laying facts anymore, you're just trying to keep this beef as long as you want just to have fun. If you wanna hear me out fine, if not, then do your thing buddy. This will probably be my last post since I hate to explain stuff to people that clearly won't even try to understand a thing. So once again take care.
  3. I will ingore the fact that you're not even writing a full sentence correctly, you're trying to compose music lyrics or something? I have to admit that this drama has been more than interesting since the beginning but right now the situation has gone too far in my opinion. Try to focus your energy somewhere else because this is getting boring honestly. Take care.
  4. I don't and won't even try to understand why my post has been deleted but for the record, I am still enjoying the drama. Keep it flowing guys.
  5. Thank you, it looks awesome.
  6. The drama in this section of the forum just beats the ,,rec ban,, in the game.
  7. Thanks for follow ❤️

  8. Congrats! :HaulieExcited:

    1. Sjovn


      Thank you 🧡

  9. Thank you for follow boss! ❤️ 

  10. Happy Birthday!! 🎂:HaulieLove:

  11. Thank you for the follow.

  12. Congraats!:HaulieLove:

  13. Omg, congrats!! :HaulieLove:

    1. Sjovn


      Thank you Punisher ❤️

  14. Happy Birthday :HaulieLove:🎂

    1. Sjovn


      Thank you 🧡

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