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Small Kai

Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Small Kai

  1. Wow, three VTC drivers passed 1000. Hopefully we can do the best now in 2024.
  2. Thank you for the follow 

  3. enjoy your addon team work 


    1. Doñ Cheeki

      Doñ Cheeki

      Thank you Smol Kaii ❤️

  4. 666 Logistics Monthly Convoy
  5. Thank you for the follow 


    1. InsanoDeath


      Needless Mate!

  6. Thank you for the follow

  7. Happy birthday

    1. Azuma.


      Thank you! ❤️

  8. ahh,Welcome back

  9. Congrats.Enjoy your Team Life

  10. Happy birthday

  11. Happy birthday

  12. Happy Birthday

    1. Ali.


      Thanks!! :HaulieLove:

  13. Enjoy your new role

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