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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by ThornsWay

  1. Congratulations!Hope you stream successfully.?

    1. Beregor


      The time will tell ?

  2. So sad to hear this thing,everyone will miss you and will remember everything you have done for TMP.Hope you be happy everyday.:(

    1. Linciano


      Thank you so much :(

  3. Happy birthday!:D

  4. Congratulations!Hoep you work successfully?

  5. Happy birthday ray!Thanks for your effort to make TMP a better place.Hope you drive work and live favourably.?

  6. congratulations.Work successfully!?

  7. Hello,dear support,hope you to be formal support successfully?

  8. Congratulations!Hope you work successfully:)?

  9.  Welcome back!?

    1. Tuna


      Thanks, appreciated! ;) 

  10. Welcome back?

    1. ZaroMW


      Thank you very much :)

  11. Congratulations!?

  12. Happy birthday!Thank you for your dedication to TMP,happy every day!??

  13. Congratulations,dear admin!?

  14. @[VIVA CC] JTrocks55Thank you for your following!Hope you be happy every day and drive successfully?

  15. congratulations!?Hope you work successfully!?

  16. Hello,dear admin,I sincerely want to know if you are a Chinese payer or not?Of course, if this involves your privacy, you can choose not to reply. I apologize for my recklessness:thisisfine:

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