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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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About ShiMan

  • Birthday 03/04/1992

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Lębork, PM, Poland
  • Interests
    ASG, Trainspotting, Modelling, Wargaming, IT Tech, Astronomy.
  • Preferred Trucks
    Western Star
  • American Garage Location
    Washington: Seattle
  • EU Garage Location
    Finland: Kotka
  • Known languages
    Polish, English

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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  1. I don't have my fav in this category (so far).
  2. While driving through Kazakhstan  today (ProMods TGS); I've encountered chinese convoy with Scanias and Volvos (over 700 HP ofc), each hauling two (!!!) locomotives. What the... o_O

  3. Thank you for the follow me. 🙂 

  4. On TMP? None (yet). On SP / Convoy? Mannheim, DE -> Marseille, FR in the west; Debrecen, HU -> Edirne, TR on East when driving on vanilla map; Kustanay, KZ through Russia to EU for a truly long voyages on ProMods (but I need RusMap to get through), otherwise I would just cruise around in TGS and ME add-ons
  5. Can't wait to see the SCS implementation of that tech
  6. *stretches his back* Done already?
  7. Done it. It was bland, but at least it went quickly for me
  8. *feels mindboggled by all of this - yep, just started a new profile just for TMP😵‍💫

    1. Sunstrider


      Good for you. Just remember to focus on the game and not trolling on CD.

    2. ShiMan


      I'll try my best. I don't really like to race around while hauling cargo, and I pretty much despise wrongdoing people.

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