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Everything posted by Ratcho

  1. Once again another great job! Thank you
  2. Will probably be rejected, but could try posting it as a suggestion as not really the right place, just saying
  3. You could maybe try using a HTML & CSS Framework?
  4. When I started programming about 4 - 5 years ago. I remember being in the same situation. You could try using https://www.codecademy.com. which not only teaches you HTML and CSS they have a wide range of languages. It is also an interactive site so gives you set tasks. Another great way once you've learnt the basics is just to set your self a small project and then if you need help search how to do it. Although I've been developing for 4 - 5 years and worked on some bug projects. I don't know everything because theres so much to learn. I hope thats helped maybe but if you do need any help feel free to pm me
  5. TruckersMP currently has 971,712 users so not long till one million
  6. Okay, thank you @RootKiller & @StuartD.
  7. Hello, I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out. I am currently using CodeIgniter for my websites which I find very quick and easy to develop sites. However, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a better or what the "best" framework is. I've seen the list of frameworks in the Developers Resources, but not 100% sure on if I should stay with CI or use a different framework? Happy Trucking! Ben
  8. Best of luck to all applicants.
  9. Okay brilliant thanks!
  10. One again you've done a cracking job, keep up the good work!
  11. Keep up the good work, can't wait to try it out!
  12. That's extremely helpful thanks!
  13. Hello, I am currently working on a site and would like to add the option for users to click 'Remember Me'. I was just wondering what the best way of doing this may be. I am currently using the CodeIgniter Framework for the website and using PHP sessions, but not sure how effective this would be when it comes to a remember me. Thank you in advanced. Happy Trucking! illtag
  14. Nice one. Good job
  15. Topic Title: Light Theme - Username ETS2MP ID: 1111 URL: http://truckersmp.com/en_US/user/1111 Server Time / Date: 01:18 (GMT) 26/03/2016 How to reproduce: Set your theme on the TruckerMP site to the light theme, then visit a regular user. You are unable to see their username. Screenshots:
  16. As far as I'm aware, the mod is not supported for Linux due to the way the memory handles the game which is different for Linux than it is for Windows.
  17. Thank you! I am already using a few of these and going to try a few more
  18. Good Luck to all applicants!
  19. Amazing!
  20. while ( ! ( succeed = try() ) );

    1. Scar


      if(succeed){return "Like a boss!";};

    2. Beefy32659_YT
  21. Thanks
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