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Berk Bozkurt

Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by Berk Bozkurt

  1. Some ProMods drivng with fellow Pries members


  2. Hai dear truckers, ?

    GökBörü is hosting to the First Braco (Iveco) convoy check click for all information. Do you wanna attend our public convoy?

    King regards, 

    GökBörü™  BOSS


    1. Berk Bozkurt

      Berk Bozkurt

      Yeni Araç ı Konvoyda Test Edecez ...  Auuuuuuuuuuu ❤️

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3.                                                                       Love you Vabis \8/ Power... Good Night 



  4. What a week!


    This week I began streaming on twitch and in such a short amount of time I have managed to achieve affiliate on the platform - something I am very proud of! Beyond that I have faced some issues at college IRL and I have overcome them quite well I would say ? To top it all off, I recently surpassed 500 Rep on the forums as well as 100 followers too!


    Thanks everyone for all the support and I hope everyone is having a great week. Let me know of any personal achievements you've made recently. 


    Back to my essay on African American Civil Rights Leaders


    ❤️ Have a great weekend ❤️

  5.                  {Aydınlık} Berk  hi  ❕❕❕  Nice gallery , your  WOT  ❕❕❕  Okay ???    

    Welcome   my   profile    , WOT ❕❕❕


  6. ?  Berk hello ❕❕❕❕❕ Nice profile ? , good luck brother ?

  7. Good Night, TruckersMP! ?
    @Sleix Thanks for letting the post! ❤️ 
    Viva Trucking! ?

  8. Decided to use one of my older trucks from my main profile today ?:wub:


  9. 30 Ağustos Zafer Bayramı'mız kutlu olsun! ??


    For those who does not know what am I talking about, check this link out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victory_Day_(Turkey)

  10. Had a wonderful drive with @MsMist❤️



    Good morning everyone!

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