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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by eMo_BG

  1. Здраствуйте @trackerman, Следуйте инструкциям ниже; - Перезагрузка роутера и компьютера - Изменение настроек DNS на Google DNS - Сброс каталога winsock - промывка DNS-чаче - Проверка правил AV / Firewall - Запуск лаунчера от имени администратора Если это не сработает: - Зайдите в настройки вашего ПК - Нажмите на строку поиска и введите «Устранение неполадок настроек» - Нажмите «Дополнительные средства устранения неполадок» - Нажмите «Интернет-соединения» - Нажмите «Запустить средство устранения неполадок».
  2. Hallo @cenkyavuz61, - Überprüfen der Netzwerkkapazität - Verbindungstest zum EU SIM 1 Server (Ping, Jitter) - Überprüfen der Windows Defender-Firewall / AV- und Router-Firewall auf blockierte Pakete
  3. Änderungen passieren jeden Tag. Verwenden Sie neue Dateien, die von SCS unterstützt werden
  4. Здравей, дори и да ти разреши, едва ли ще има някакъв ефект Форума не се посещава от много българи. По-добре си пусни тема в някоя от фейсбук страниците. Можеш и да я регистрираш и в VTC системата
  5. Hey, you need to unzip the files you can try with this Program Let me know if you still have the same problem
  6. Ja, das nerv.......Ich hoffe, wird mit 1.38 korrigiert
  7. You don't have enough RAM. With Windows 10, you need at least 6 GB. Windows 10 itself takes up a lot of memory. For now, just stop all other programs, if that doesn't help, get some extra RAM
  8. Hello @/:\ E B L I S /:\ i can try with this Program Let me know if you still have the same problem
  9. eMo_BG


    What do you mean? The servers are here and all are active --------> https://truckersmp.com/status
  10. Hallo, du kannst auch hier schauen https://truckersmp.com/vtc/search?name=&tag=&min=&max=&language_id=2 . Ich hoffe sind genug
  11. Give us little bit more information about your computer please You can try to install again the Launcher: 1. Uninstall TMP via windows 2. Open regedit. Search Truckersmp and delete every result 2.1 Open regedit and now search ETS2MP and delete every result 3. Manually delete any TruckersMP's folder created when laucher was installed 4. Download TMP laucher again 5. Install TMP laucher AS ADMINISTRATOR
  12. Give us a little more information. What operating system are you using? What are the parameters of your computer? Greetings
  13. HI @KandukuluGamer, Please note that this is no guaranteed fix but has a high success rate. If your Game is freezing for a long period it is because the mod Is attempting to its game time with the core game time. (SP & MP times are quite different)! Go in company manager (this may be a pain) and fire all of your drivers first. Save your progress then completely close the game Go into your Euro Truck Simulator 2 documents folders and select/highlight the your last profile (look at last modified) then with it highlighted hit the delete button. (Again I know it could be a pain) Launch ets2mp and once at the profile section create a new profile. please note: the reason for this process is because if your game never catches up or just crashes, it is more then likely that your profile somehow has gotten corrupt hense will not recover unless it's completely removed.
  14. After the last update I have no problems. Thank you
  15. HI @DeadhorAlive, you need to install the last version of DirectX 11. I have the same Problem. If that doesn't work, reinstall the TruckersMP launcher and try again.
  16. i tried everything, deleted the game and i installed it again, i changed the config file, still the same problem. I have no mods installed. The problem started after the last update of TruckersMP louncher
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