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[VIVA] Matty

Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by [VIVA] Matty

  1. Congrats boss man. ❤️


    Very happy for ya!


    1. Jake_F


      Thanks so much! I'm really looking forward to the future!! ❤️

  2. Late to the party, but congratulations on joining the Event Team Andy!

  3. FHfhLNzWYAIJux5.thumb.jpg.888937916341a107026ba055a9796890.jpg


    Hope you all had a great day with your families & friends!

  4. Feeling so happy and blessed. Here's to 5 more years of Viva! ?




  5. Many congratulations on your new position! ❤️

  6. Many congratulations ❤️

  7. Keep the faith! These things are always opportunities to re-evaluate and come back stronger than before. It's character building. ❤️


    Wishing you luck and see you on the road.


  8. Congrats on the promotion! ❤️

    1. SvartWolf


      Thank you Matty! ?♥️

  9. Congratulations on your new position Velo! ❤️

  10. Thanks for the follow Vicc!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [VIVA] Matty

      [VIVA] Matty

      For sure man. I know we keep saying it! I have been massively busy lately. Nice to keep passing you on TMP though!

    3. Vicc


      Yeah exactly that! We'll find a way ?

    4. [VIVA] Matty

      [VIVA] Matty

      Indeed we will!

  11. Thank you for the follow!

  12. Happy Birthday Mike!! ?

  13. Thanks for the follow mate ?

    1. Philii


      Thank you for the follow too! ?

  14. Thanks for the follow!

  15. Thanks for the follow ?

  16. Appreciate the follow buddy ❤️

  17. Thanks for the follow cenution! I hope you're doing well!

    1. centurion.


      Thank you too! ❤️ I'm doing good, hope you too!

  18. Thanks for the follow Pedro! I hope you're doing well 

  19. Thanks for the follow Kingstanis! I hope you're doing well ❤️

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