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Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by RainbowDragon

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my fellow Truckers :)

  2. I can attest that this is indeed a real issue. This only happens on OpenGL, OP can use DirectX to avoid this bug, however the bug should still be acknowledged
  3. Mój ulubiony operator to jest Ash
  4. Wszystkiego najlepszego kolego :P

  5. Popatrz: Musisz być w zespole 'staff team' n.p 'Forum Moderator', 'Support' 'Media Team'
  6. What an awesome post, didn't realize there would be THAT many downloads. However while on topic, I'm still downloading the Wintermod at a rate of lower than 1mb/s, it is definitely not my Internet speed but I think there is a routing problem if you are not from Europe, which causes slow download speeds.
  7. That GTR is alluring

  8. When you want to type 'sorry' in chat but instead opening chat makes the game crash :angry:

    1. i z m
    2. RainbowDragon


      And it was because I was rammed and flung into the opposing truck which makes the situation much worse lol

    3. i z m

      i z m

      Sorry for ya. :mellow:

  9. A navigation app which reports accidents would be awesome
  10. How long did it take for everyone to download Wintermod? It's taking me literally hours, and its not my Internet.
  11. Great effort Developers Looking forward to the new atmosphere
  12. Which .net framework did you install for reference? This is the best explanation of the issue, single player works fine Edit: Upon further analysis from this thread Deleting config.cfg and reloading the game, forces default settings (DirectX) to launch and game works fine for DirectX users. However users with OpenGL still face the issue with no login screen, bugged image and mouse frozen
  13. ^ Found the issue The new update crashes with OpenGL, you have to launch with DirectX
  14. Care to share how you fixed it?
  15. Congratulations! A lot of credit goes to the devs
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