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Status Updates posted by .Andy.

  1. Happy Birthday my friend ❤️ I hope you have a wonderful day! 

  2. Hello admin! ❤️ 

  3. Thank you for what you've done for the Community Moderation Team and myself personally. I wish you much luck in your future. ❤️ 

  4. Happy Birthday Nerd ❤️

  5. Oh god, you've found me :kappa: Glad to see you on the forum too. 

    Thank you for the follow cutie ❤️

    1. ForgottenMemory`


      im here. im lost but yes, i found you xDD 🥰

  6. Congrats on your Promotion! 

    1. Maxi.


      Thank youuuu! Andy! :HaulieLove:

  7. Congrats

  8. Congrats Brad! Good luck as Full discord moderator! 

  9. Omgosh, Look who it is. @SarahQT:kappa: hsNlL6s.png

  10. Congrats Timber ❤️ 

    1. TimeTimes


      Thanks Andy1059227081596207165.webp?size=96&quality

  11. Congrats nerd, Enjoy your new role! ❤️ 

  12. You're a big boi now! Congrats my dude, you deserve it! ❤️

  13. w/ @Krewlex - Tagged along with LondonController on ProMods! WGscEeJ.png

  14. Follow for follow ay? :kappa:Appreciate you sir

    1. Chev


      Always a follow for follow 😉

  15. Happy Birthday boss man! Hope you have a good day! 

    1. Stan


      Thanks :))

  16. Thank you for following Sir Nubless DinkDonk I appreciate you ❤️ 

  17. 🍉 Melon Gang! 🍉 @Krewlex - Can't tag anyone else lul. 

    1. 3749771


      Great Photo!

  18. Happy Birthday SIR Krewlex! Hope you have a greatness of days as you gradually grow older ❤️ 

  19. Happy Birthday Nubitte feelsbirthdayman 

  20. Oh my, What a day it was yesterday! Lovely little addition to the Scout Car. And a huuge change to CD which is a very nice change. I do wish this is permanent or lasts for a while!

    @Krewlex, @Supreme_TMP, @Silver_xD, @Ouskiller @The English Otter.


  21. Merry 5th Anniversary within the Team. They grow up so fast 😭

  22. It's been a good while since i've done one of these 😳, I decided to revisit Hanover! XALNbtE.png

    1. Poyraz


      Nice photo 🙂 

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