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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by SprinterFS

  1. Looks like the program is not responding. Please do upload a crash log if you have one. Moved to Help.
  2. You might want to see this video: It takes time for all the vehicles to load and appear on the roads. Attention to the dots on the GPS: actually there are vehicles, but they could not be seen due to the lag. Moved to Help.
  3. Recently there has been massive report about game crash at Rdam. Most probably reason is that one or more player is using unsupported mods in the area. Moved to Help.
  4. Moved to help, since this is not a bug within truckersmp.com. For support members: here is the full incident with more detail. https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/profile/24667-zirox_hd/&status=18556&type=status
  5. Please make a screenshot of the error message. There are several possible reasons pointing to your problem, and we are not able to solve your problem without knowing exactly what is the reason.
  6. Lag issues in game can be caused by: low computer config / specs; too many players around; bad internet connection; illegal mod used by other players. Please do check all of the above, and then check if it lags again. Moved to Help for now.
  7. Hi @Shift69Cz aka BinaryBloom085 : You need to be an in-game admin in order to drive a police car. Please see here for detailed information:
  8. Hello, Just to confirm is a bug or not. Can you see other player's chat message and server/admin announcements?
  9. Reported before -- already fixed in the latest update (v Moved to Fixed.
  10. The next patch is going to fix this issue, and no longer require running as admin. Will fix soon. please also do update your post with format of this section.
  11. Hello: Cars were newly added in the latest update. Please see here for details: Not a bug. Moved to Won't fix.
  12. Moved to Help. The current version has a little problem, and will probably require you to run as admin.
  13. 大家好, 最新版本现已公开! 更新日志: 新增了Scout轿车;(在模拟驾驶服务器上仅对管理员开放,在自由驾驶服务器上对所有玩家开放 -- 警用涂装及配件除外) 新增了对匈牙利和土耳其涂装的支持; 修复了ETS2中的雨天效果; 取消了对ETS2雪地模组的支持。 祝旅途愉快! 原文:mwl4 翻译:SprinterFS
  14. OP inactive for 2 weeks. No other reports regarding a similar problem. Closed, and Moving to "Won't fix" for now. @Truckers_TIR please message any forum moderator if you need this thread to be reopened.
  15. Please see solutions below: I launched Multiplayer, but Singleplayer starts Please click here to the solution resources. Moving to Help.
  16. Moved to Help. If you are looking for user info in game, please click on the user's name in tab menu, and click on "report" (the report menu comes with all the information you will need), or type in chat "/pinfo+player id" and press enter. Since the info displays on chat messages and will go away as people spam in chat, screenshot is always your best friend.
  17. Game crash -- Try uninstall MP, also delete the MP folder in your documents, the reinstall and launch as admin. This might help. Moved to Help.
  18. Best answer selected & problem fixed. Moved to Solved.
  19. If the problem is that your "freight market" list is empty, please try all you tried again, but in single player mode. You should be able to find cargo again -- Then you can pick one of them and drive on MP servers. Moved to Help.
  20. SprinterFS


    You are not banned, or your ban has been removed. Now you should be able to login. - Moved to Spanish discussion. Please use English in the main forums.
  21. Back to topic: -1 from me. Last year: shortly after the Scandinavia DLC first released, The NCZ failed at Frederikshavn, turning that area into a troll magnet.
  22. Like: Upon first days of ATSMP release, I saw trolls teleport to LA garage, drive on to Oxnard, and dance hard on the mountains. I followed them and it was tons of fun. Dislike: Very little beach & Too empty. Behave: What are "other players"? Improve: If we want real-life simulation, we need to make LA into the Rdam of ATSMP. Also SF, Sac, and all cities along i5 and i80. It should look like this!
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