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Veteran Driver V
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About Dan_TFM

  • Birthday 01/26/2003

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Presenting On Truckers.FM

    In Real Life Private Pilot
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London
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  1. Happy birthday  

  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday Bro! 🥳⚘️

  4. I'm literally sat here right now in a queue of 195,000 people to book a driving test...


    I have a good feeling I will only be driving on ETS and ATS for a while, help!

  5. I love this idea... I also made a post about this a couple of months back. Personally, I can see this helping an awful lot, especially in those busy areas.
  6. Woah, Its been a crazy time!


    I'm back now, its been a wild time recently with lock-down etc and doing a lot of school work from home just building up so much of my time - However, I've finished all of it now!


    I cant' wait to post some more posts on the forums, hope everyone has stayed safe and well <3

  7. Truckers.FM


    Some of you may be aware that I'm a Station Supervisor at TFM - 


    I've recently started bringing people onto my shows, its a really good way to engage with the community!

    I reckon it would be a really good to get some people on from TMP (Players of even staff of TMP Like game moderators) and talk to them about a couple of things on the show!

    This would be a prerecorded call for the show, so we can do it as many times as you would like if we make any mistakes... 

    Would mean a lot, would bring some great content to the show - Feel free to leave a comment or message me on discord.


    Thank you - 





  8. Watchhhhh outtttttttttttttttt - 


    Big Dan will be out on the roads on Sim 1 ;))))

  9. How you allll doinggggg?



    I've been busy recently with a lot of things going on - 


    I'm now working at Costa Coffee as a part time job whilst saving money for flying lessons - 




    Twitch: I've started streaming again on twitch (Twitch.tv/dan_tfm) - Doing a lot of trucking on TMP.... Feel free to come along and show your support ❤️


    Truckers.FM : I'm always live on TFM, Look at the timetable to see when I'm next live....


    Hope everyone is keeping safe and well and I'm sure I will see you out on the roads soon ❤️

    1. Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Yeh,Also wish you safety and health!:wub:

  10. Twitch Streaming - 


    Hey All,


    I'm about to go live on Twitch, Will be doing some TMP ETS2.... 


    Be there or be circle.



  11. Suggestion Name: An Easier Way To See a Players Current Ping or to access the Tab - Hello All, Suggestion Description: Over the past couple of days I have been coming up with new suggestions that could be rather handy for players in-game (American Truck Simulator & Eurotruck Simulator 2) on the TMP Servers. At times I believe that it can be hard to open up the Tab whilst you're driving if you need it. For example, you may need to open up the side panel to report someone but its not safe to pull over, or you need to check a players ID but they went past you too quickly, or even if you need to check a players ping to see if its safe to stay behind them as they could be lagging which may cause serious accidents and damage. However, it then suddenly blocks part of your screen, and you will need to use your mouse and bring up the cursor to click on the buttons, then if messes up your steering - Its just not practical. An Example: My main suggestion is to see various icons where the players name/tag is. Obviously there should be an option if this goes ahead to add or to not have set 'icons' to the name. My main suggestion is to add the players ping next to their ID, so the other players when they're driving behind or even to the side of them can be aware if some expected lag might happen. This will lower accidents and damage on trucks too as it will be much easier for the players to understand if the person they're following is safe or not. Furthermore, it would also be good if the Name/Tag could be clickable, so if a player would like to report someone then they would just have to click the players name instead of clicking onto tab then finding the person, I think Game Moderators have something like this where they can click the player to highlight them if they need banning or kicking. Example Photo: (Here is a rough example of what I mean - I would like to suggest an optional feature to players which would state a players ping and also have a clickable button on their name if someone would like to report them - It makes it so much easier and also not as time consuming). Within my example photo it includes a number '42' - This shows the players ping. In addition to that, it also has an icon which is an exclamation mark, this would be clickable. These are just optional features which the players could turn on if they wanted within the tab. Why It Should Be Added: Everyone has been behind someone who is lagging but you're not sure if its them or yourself, but then its in a busy place and you haven't got enough time or it isn't safe to concentrate by looking at the Tab - This makes it easier by always being there above the name. Also, everyone has been in the situation when someone quickly crashes into you then drives away or f7s quickly, but you don't catch their ID or name so you can't send off a report. However, this suggestion will make it so much quicker by the click of one button! This method of looking at the players ping or being able to do various things via clicking icons on the players name will reduce the quantity of accidents on the roads. Also, it will let people be able to report a certain person get reported quickly. Please feel free to post your opinions about this - I personally think it would make a great impact to the servers. It would be great to have Game Moderators opinions on this as well. Many Thanks, Dan
  12. Make Sure Each Ban Which Is In-Game Is Always The Same Length For Players Hello All, I hope you're all doing very well - I've thoroughly enjoyed looking through the Forums with all the suggestions and points that have been made. Whilst doing that I have thought of some of my own which also help from other Forum posts that I have seen. Therefore, I'm just going to officially make this into a discussion. My suggestion which I would like to express is to do with 'Ban Lengths' and how the the Game Moderators situate it. Suggestion: - I have noticed that each Game Moderator will ban someone and decide their self at times how long the ban-able player should get. I also understand how there are some set rules about bans and the lengths but it needs to be strongly introduced to the players. I feel like it should be made known to the players how long they will get for each offence that they make. For example, if a player causes a scene from overtaking when its not safe and they cause an accident which leads on to them getting banned the Game Moderator should give a punishment duration which other Game Moderators would of done. It is not fair if one person gets banned for 3 days, where as another player would get banned for one week. Furthermore, maybe the Game Moderator Leaders should come up with a Strict Set Rule Duration Planner. This may be a hard thing to implement into the servers and for the Game Moderators to understand. However, this means the punishments will be fair to all players. I have seen in the past players 'arguing' and 'moaning' when they get banned because they've been banned longer then their mate did when they did the same thing and they have the same amount of bans previously. Also, another point is that you should create a table (like the rough one below) and make it clear for the players. Maybe this could go on the website or the Rules when the game loads up. It will give the players a good understanding and they will realise what the punishments are for each ban, this could stop trolling too and for new players to understand the rules a bit better. Obviously, I understand that there will be times where a Game Moderator would have to bypass this scheme due to something going wrong but if the Moderators set the same ban length for each ban-able reason then there would be no reason for people to argue against it calling the sever 'unfair' and giving grief towards the staff. Furthermore, when a player gets banned they could be stated with the graph, and the admin selects which offence they have done and their duration. Therefore, its more clear and understandable. This means that fair punishments will be given out and each one is equal. Its very important! At times it would go against this system - But then the Game Moderators would take the report by their self and submit the right punishment if they're not sure. For example: Unsafe Overtaking Reckless Driving Chat/CB Abuse Blocking Hacking Other No Punishment History = 3 Days 3 Days 2 Days 3 Days Perm (Depends) Depends One Previous Ban = 3 Days 3 Days 2 Days 3 Days Perm (Depends) Depends Two Previous Bans = 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days Perm (Depends) Depends Three Previous Bans = 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month Perm (Depends) Depends Four or More Bans = 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months Perm (Depends) Depends This table is only a rough sketch so you can understand my point more clearly. It features how long the ban should be if they have a certain punishment history - As you can see it clearly goes up in duration if they keep on failing to keep to TMP Rules. The ban duration's are not accurate, This is only for educational purposes for you to understand. I have not seen anything like this yet - This is why I'm introducing this and suggesting it! Feel free to state your opinions about this - Furthermore, it would be great if some higher up staff including Game Moderators could express their opinion about this as well! Its hard getting your head around it , but I feel like it would work so much better. Please be aware that the graph will not be displayed properly if you’re on your mobile. If you react then please tell me why you’ve decided to react with that certain emote. Have a great Night and also week- Many Thanks, Dan
  13. My First Ever Post on the Forums After Being A Member Since 2017?!?


    Hello All,

    My name is Dan and I've been around in the community for a rather long time now. Some of you lovely lot might recognise my name due to being a Station Moderator at Truckers.FM. Furthermore, I also present on the radio station regularly doing my weekly lot: 'TFMs Favourite Club Classics'. I am also a discord moderator within the Truckers.FM Discord. 


    Talking about Discords ayy?

    I am also a member in the TruckersMPs Discord server, I'm always in there hanging about within the text channels, so if you ever see me then feel free to say 'hiyaaa'. I only speak English though, so its not good if you come to me in another language, I would just have no clue what you're saying lmao...


    Dan, umm - What do you do when you're not on your PC constantly? 

    Yes, I'm not that sad.... I'm not always sat at my desk. I'm currently in year 12 at Sixthform in the UK. Therefore, I'm studying Three A-Levels which are: Psychology, Drama and Media. Also, In the future I would love to become a Commercial Pilot - At the moment I'm doing my Private Pilots Licence Training, then after Sixthform I will hopefully go off to an Airline for training, or my backup which would be University (New Bucks Uni - Buckingham). I have a small Part Time job at my local Escape rooms, yes its very fun! I'm also about to get a job as a Barista at Costa, so if you ever need a Coffee before going on the C-D Road then you know where to go ;)


    What You will Be Seeing on my Forum Profile - 

    On my profile I will be posting a mixture of posts which will hopefully be 'entertaining' for your eyes.... Oh gosh, that just sounds so wrong. I promise it will all be PG. Ranging from photos of my experience on TMP to posts when the TFM Monthly Convoy Happens (That is every month by the way).


    In the future I would love to progress my role within TMP and eventually get to the 'Game Moderator' Role, would be a dream!

    Lastly then, if you have any questions about myself then feel free to ask, or if you're just wondering what the hell I'm doing on here then yet again, feel free to ask...

    Many Thanks and this is my first Forum Post, and hopefully one of many!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Supreme


      Congrats on your 1st post :P

    3. Dan_TFM


      Thank You Supreme - 


      It is a bit of an embaressment considering how long I've been playing TMP, and I'm a Station Moderator at Truckers.FM...

      Thank you though and I hope you're doing well!


    4. [RSL] Julian [GER]

      [RSL] Julian [GER]

      Hello Dan_TFM


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