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Snake [PL]

Veteran Driver VII
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Snake [PL] last won the day on September 15 2015

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About Snake [PL]

  • Birthday 12/27/1993

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    Grudziądz, Poland
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Elko
  • EU Garage Location
    Poland: Poznan
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  1. Maybe I got some bug, but I don't have any Achivements... I complete this event. You can even see on video below. Maybe it's because I was "Too Late" ?? This is just funny movie to show How long was a Traffic Jam
  2. Wszystkiego Najlepszego :D

  3. Spróbuje, ale dziwna sprawa, bo robiłem stream OBS'em... Jedynie zostaje mi nvidia experience i tym robic live, tylko nie ma tylu fajnych funkcji.
  4. Tutaj jest trop panie Kamil Odpale single w 64bit i sprawdze. [EDIT] Jednak nie, 64bit wraz z obs na single odpala sie poprawnie. [EDIT2] ATS z MP tez ma ten problem
  5. Nie mowie o nagraniu, a o samej grze i odpaleniu jej przed wystartowaniem streama... Wiem jaka ma byc przepustowosc itp, tylko problem polega na tym, że TRUCKERS MP wraz z OBS robi spadki do 5FPS i nie da się grać, Gdy odpale SINGLE PLAYER wraz z OBS od startu mam stabilne 60FPS.
  6. Witam. Mam problem. Po uruchomieniu OBS i wejściu do MP fps spada gdzieś tak do 5 już od startu.| W Singlu jest wszystko ok. Orientuje się ktoś o co chodzi??
  7. Funny thing. When I start OBS and Single Player, game don't lag, but MP and OBS and I got 5fps. Any Ideas??


    1. Snake [PL]

      Snake [PL]

      and it start lagging in menu.

  8. Why I can't send report on person who is banned already? They can't add more days or something to this penalty??

  9. Idiots behind the wheels - YT


  10. Can someone check my reports?  I post it 2 days ago...

    1. elot360PL


      2 days? It's normal. 

      I would understand your problem if you wait more than 7 days.

    2. sko0923


      My report that I submitted 9 days ago still hasn't been reviewed, and I'm not complaining. Be patient, it doesn't matter if whoever gets banned now or 2 weeks later for the same amount of time. 

  11. New Video for reports...


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