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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by Snorlax.

  1. Hello, please try running the TruckersMP launcher in administrator mode. If that does not help, try re-installing the launcher. I apologize if neither of these suggestions works. Best wishes, J. Jonas.
  2. Happy Birthday TMP! Can't wait for the upcomming events.^^

  3. I don't think implementing this suggestion would decrease safety on the road that much. As long as you are visible without your lights on you should not be kicked. As you mentioned, you are required to turn on your light when the sun is still providing enough daylight. Although I don't think having to turn on lights a little too early is annoying, I agree with your suggestion.
  4. Hello, how are you all doing?


    1. MHT_


      Hello there,

      I'm doing fine, how about yourself? ^_^

    2. Snorlax.


      Doing good as well, thank you!


  5. I'm probably too lazy to do that, but thank you for finding this out and sharing your knowledge with the community.
  6. Hello there @burkanss, first of all, this is the link to every forum rank: As you can see, you earn your rank by being active in the forums. However, by having a good forum rank, you won't get any advantage over others, neither in-game or in the forums. Let me know if I helped you out! Kind Regards, Jonas
  7. Hi there, this is the link to the TMP rules. There you can find an article about your issue. https://truckersmp.com/rules As you can see, save editing ai wheels on a car is permitted, however they must be visible to other players.
  8. If you are reading this, you are most likely here to see if the servers are down. Yes, they are. The staff team is looking into website and ingame issues, be patient.

  9. no, you can join where you want. The event is not like a convoy.
  10. Finally! So excited to join my first ever real operations event. Thank you for making this possible! <3
  11. 6666 players trucking o,oimage.png.97272132713add0230f0b440515a0555.png

  12. How has your day been?


    1. AmiriM#4530


      it was a good day.I hope it's the same for you too... :wub:

    2. Snorlax.


      Yeah, mine was pretty good too, thanks!


  13. Great, had a 50hr drive from Brest to Turku and someone had to ram me which made me loose 27k.

    Thanks to you if you are reading this. :p

  14. Ayy, the TFM convoy is done. Was a chaotic but fun one! The Courtz Carriers was the biggest VTC attending with 25 truckers! :love:



      i didnt even know about a tfm convoy :thinking:

  15. Suggestion Name: Lower the default voice output. Suggestion Description: Lowering the default voice output, (found in TMP options --> sound..) to 75% of the current one. Any example images: // Why should it be added?: I usually have my CB turned on. Often, especially in crowded areas, there are people literally ripping your ears by screaming in their microphone. Some intentionally to troll, some unintentional because they have a bad microphone. I don't want to disable my CB every time I drive in crowded areas. Thank you for reading, let me know whether you are against, or for lowering the output volume. Kind regards, Jonas
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