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About burkanss

  • Birthday 04/29/2002

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    Living great life.
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  1. Happy Birthday o//

  2. Happy birthday! 🥳

  3. Happy birthday! 🎉

  4. Happy birthday ! :HaulieLove:

  5. Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday! 🎉

  7. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  8. Happy Birthday 🎉

  9. Happy Birthday! 🥳

  10. Hello all, i understand that this isn't the main games forum, but im sure you all can help me out. The problem i have is that on my account i have too mutch money, it has reached the point that i don't get joy of playing. i have collected 1,200,000,000+ money whit no cheats or mods, i have unlocked all garages, recently sold all my cars and drivers but understood that it will take super long time to get rid of the money in buyng and selling trucks... I have tried reseting it true console and eaven from game file, but it doesnt work. I would like to know if for example i start new account will all my progress in truckers will be lost or it will count eaven when i start a new account. And second, is it somehow possible to reset my money so that im left whit all my levels but no money? Thank you all, -burkanss
  11. Suggestion Description: SCS could implement physical damage, like cracked windscreens, exhaust smoke, engine smoke (when damaged) or body damage, etc. Why should it be added?: That would improve the game realistically. And I'm sure many people would like these things.
  12. Tev Singlplayera arī jabūt ir vismaz divām stundām lai varētu cip aktivizēt.. cik atceros.
  13. Back At The Road!!!Back at the Road... If you want to see this picture in better condition visit my WorldOfTrucks Account  Thanks!

  14. Interesting, But what would it give for us? Well, I suppose if there's and simulator server, then it would be very useful because its simulator driving whit all rules, forthath server it would be cool yea but for others . Myb, I personally don't drive faster than 150km h
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