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Veteran Driver VII
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LazyDev last won the day on November 21 2014

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About LazyDev

  • Birthday 08/07/1992

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  1. Tried many things, Truckers MP will not run on Linux Mint 18.1.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LazyDev


      If the Truckers MP mod is coded in C++, most of the porting is done. C++ is a cross platform code, meaning it'll work on Windows, Mac and Linux.

    3. El1teZombiezHD


      ^^ There is other code as well as C++. It's the fact that it all needs to be kept up to date and adds more work for the developers which is not needed. Best idea is to go to Windows or get an Emulator.

    4. LazyDev


      True, Python is a candidate.

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