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Veteran Driver VI
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Status Updates posted by Chemistry_TMP

  1. Happy Birthday Fezz. :congrats:


  2. Congrats Velo(city)!

  3. Oops, I have to be careful to you.


    Congrats 🙂 



    1. Miyu*


      I don't carry chemical stuff around. Just some hammers. No need to worry, no radiations. XD

  4. Happy Birthday :3

  5. Happy Birthday, Stalker.

  6. Happy Birthday :pog:

  7. Hello, My Followers and Players!


    TeamAudi VTC will be holding the event on December 9th, TeamAudi 9th Anniversary! Check the event schedules and information, When possible, Let's participate in this event! 




    1. PinkNub_


      I will try to be there! ❤️


  8. Somewhere I found the Stalker nowadays. Who was that?

    1. Fezz


      Someone that wants to be me 😄

    2. FayezTMP
  9. Thanks for your hard work on Comm Manager. 


    I hope to see you again later. 😢

  10. Happy Birthday Koneko!

  11. Issam pog.. take care!

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