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Veteran Driver VI
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Lince.TMP last won the day on May 10 2023

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About Lince.TMP

  • Birthday August 17

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  • American Garage Location
    California: Sacramento
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
  • Known languages
    Italian, English

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  • World Of Trucks

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. Some players don't care about their status, but with this system, other players near them will know that these drivers are "dangerous" and will give way or stay away from them.
  3. Useless for my personal opinion
  4. This could add a reason to support TMP with patreon and I think that would be nice to see in game!
  5. This is not a bad idea, but I think it's better to prioritize the first (oldest) report instead.
  6. You should contact and suggest this at SCS Software, the company that make Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.
  7. @Juliia, @[S.PLH]Warrior, @Doniii, @Granite, @Dawn - DaPeng: Thanks for your replies and suggests. I edited the post with an updated version of the idea. I hope you will find your answers and enjoy it! In any case, I will be available to answer your questions.
  8. Exactly! It's not a "pilot car" issue, but mostly a bad rules knowledge.
  9. Good morning @Flaming., I would apprecciate if you have some ideas to share with us. I'm ready to edit the original post, just how I did yesterday, if a new better idea will be posted. Cheers mate!
  10. "...you can easily tell if someone is a bad driver or not just by watching them" Yes, sometimes. Sometimes may be too late. But the primary function of this system will be to create a reason for players to drive safe, it's like a deterrent. Anyway i took all suggestions I received and edited the original idea. (This time following the suggestion forum rules that I forgot before! )
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