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About [SiR]YuSuf

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  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London
  • Known languages
    English & Arabic

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    GRARY -Group

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  1. Hello Guys Suggestion Name: ● Actros Plastic Parts mod. Suggestion Description: ● third party mod, i mean the the front and grill + roof bars with extra slot for air horn + fog lights (like in images D.B.) Why should it be added?: ● me as a Actros Driver i don't have any accessory or dlc like others . Any example images: ● Down below ty... ●●
  2. @LordBenji is it possible to make trailer side light work with truck "hazard light" and "right" and "left" too ? i want to edit (schwarzmüller trailer) only
  3. Suggestion Name: small light+head light "It's not allowed to place more items than allowed by default by the game (beacons, lights, horns or any other item)" Suggestion Description: in my opinion this is the worst thing happens in "MP" , i dont know why i cant use "small light" with "headlight" at the same slot on the roof its not wired thing , its like real life ,and its on bar roof not grill, .,i hope any one from dev. team reply me with good reason,, what is the problem with it ?? and please rethink again about this rule. ,,,,,,, the funny thing that in game admin . asking u to remove it ,and all the reports on other players for (wrong way/cheat/reckless) "no action taken..no action taken" , really !! is every report i must rec. and upload and make it on site what a waste of time , this mean i wll spend most of my time reporting on the site instead of playing. Why should it be added?: i think they should rethink about roof bar items (small light with headlight only in one slot) Any example images: ty...
  4. am IN
  5. Suggestion Name: Autosave Suggestion Description: can Developers Disable auto save in game "ETS2" ??! , P.S. if they can't add it as option in the menu , disable it without that option Any example images: nope Why should it be added?: ( it make screen freeze for a second) after update 1.30
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