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Everything posted by HumaneWolf

  1. @michaelvz2- Hi, You can only use the car in the freeroam servers. In those servers, you can use the pilot paint job for it. You can not use the police paint job at all.
  2. This is a known IPB bug. You can go around it by clicking the "Create" button in the menu on the top right, and selecting "Status" from the dropdown that appears.
  3. It is a timezone difference. You will be unbanned on time.
  4. The solution I posted does work, and watch your language. Profanity doesn't help anyone. Enter the TruckersMP ID of the user, a number with anything from one to about 6-7 digits. The form works even though it gives you a client side error, due to an API issue.
  5. @ptsnipers I would recommend that you post in the Help section of the forum or contact support.
  6. Keep in mind that TruckersMP takes no responsibility for 3rd party downloads. In addition, make sure to follow the rules regarding save game editing and modding.
  7. This is a known bug. You can ignore the error and submit the report anyway. Make sure you enter the correct TruckersMP ID. @VSonyPower @guillermossan
  8. You need a 64bit computer to run the mod. Also moved to Help.
  9. HumaneWolf


    Known bug. Bug with IPB.
  10. We only support mods based on save game editing. You can find more info here:
  11. @heyhococo I did indeed, but autocorrect got the best of me this time.
  12. We do not support Linux or wine with the mods. 64bit windows is required.
  13. Keep in mind this disables things like spawn logs's which can be used for reporting people.
  14. Post updated. Not technically a bug.
  15. You can check out this question on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3984313/how-to-create-remember-me-checkbox-using-codeigniter-session-library
  16. I'd recommend checking if the framework have functions to help with this, that would be the easiest if it is the case. Can be either: Complete solutions - premade backend for a remember me button. Session identifier code generator (generates a hash/unique string to identify the session). You'll need to save this in the database. Or another useful tool helping you build the solution.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EchoSpot


      That's the thing though. Do scs actually support the mod or just appreciate it's existance?

    3. .StεvƐ.


      ^probably a bit of both, they sort of support the mods existence, much like they did when promods came to the scene which gave them the idea for the Scandinavia DLC, but at the same time, they just appreciate the mod being here because it gives them more time to develop the games and come up with their own ideas for a MP if at all.

    4. HumaneWolf


      SCS doesn't provide any support to TruckersMP, clarifying that.

  17. You need to have 2 hours played in the game on Steam.
  18. Screenshot hidden as it showed other reports. This is more of a staff bug, when accessing the report front page we can see all reports, not just our own, and thus doesn't affect normal users, just staff members with access to read reports.
  19. @Trucker191002 That would mean you are able to connect properly to the API, loading the server list. Try making sure that you don't have a antivirus or firewall that blocks the mod from accessing the API. You should also try to contact our Support desk.
  20. Hi, @Trucker191002 Please tell us what you see when you access this url: https://api.truckersmp.com/v2/servers/ from the PC you try to play at.
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