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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by DrewK

  1. Thank you for your follow ✌

  2. I've missed TMP :HaulieLove: hope to see you all on the roads! 

  3. Thank you for your follow ?

  4. Thank you for your follow ✌?️

    1. 'BeatZ.


      Thank you too, for the Follow!

  5. Thank you for your follow :HaulieLove:

  6. Thanks for your follow :HaulieLove:

  7. Happy Birthday @Inklink:HaulieLove:

    I wish you all the best... thank you for your hard work! ?


    Stay healthy and take care ✌?️


    Kind regards


    1. Inklink


      Thank you :))

  8. Happy Birthday @Roenz :HaulieLove:

    I wish you all the best and I hope you had a great day! 


    Stay healthy ✌?️


    Viele Grüße // Kind regards


  9. Happy Birthday @Mangiskills? have a great day and stay healthy! 


    All the best to you ✌?️


    Kind regards


  10. Thanks for your follow ✌?️

  11. Congrats :troll: wish you all the best!

  12. Thank you for your follow :HaulieLove:

  13. Hyper hyper :troll:

  14. Congrats Bro :troll: enjoy your ban hammer

    1. JuanK.


      Thank you Drew!! 843239705482231810.gif

  15. Thank you for your follow ✌?️

  16. Noooo ? wish you all the best :HaulieLove:

  17. Yeah congratulations @Nightmaree.

    Wish you all the best ?

  18. Noooo ? wish you all the best and hope you will be back soon! Take care ?

  19. Welcome back :HaulieLove:

  20. kisspng-twitch-pepe-the-frog-emote-t-shirt-streaming-media-face-pack-5acd943cb6e5c6.9740974615234222687492.pngbig fan 


    1. JuanK.


      I'm the Biggest Fan of you Forever, Dreww 875401346499608618.png

  21. Thank you for your follow ?

    Danköö @MatzeOnTour

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