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Everything posted by Yoyo_ManSg

  1. Salut @OliverDel [BE/FR], Je vous souhaite un très bon recrutement en espérant vous voir très prochainement sur les routes de TruckersMP.. Par ailleurs, si toi ou une personne de ton entreprise à des questions, n'hésiter pas à me contacter. À bientôt, je l'espère. Cordialement, Yoyo_ManSg
  2. Best answer marked and question answered. Thank you for your participation. /Locked and moved to solved.
  3. Question answered. Thank you for your participation. /Locked and moved to solved.
  4. Hello @Kugelsturm, The answers are given. Are you satisfied for these answers? Cordially, Yoyo_ManSg
  5. Hello @DeGelderseTrucker, The answers were given; Are you satisfied for these answers? Cordially, Yoyo_ManSg
  6. Problem solved. Thank you for your participation. /Locked and moved to solved.
  7. Happy birthday !!!

  8. Question answered. Thank you for your participation. /Locked and moved to solved
  9. Bonjour à tous et à toutes, Le topic "GPS Vocal" étant inactif depuis 14 jours, il est donc par conséquent archiver. Merci de votre participation. /Locked & Moved to Archives due to inactivity.
  10. Congratulation Mike. You deserve it. :D 

  11. Problem solved. Thank you for your participation /Locked and moved to solved.
  12. Bonjour à tous et à toutes. La réponse ayant été donner je décide d'archiver ce topic. Si le propriétaire du topic souhaite ouvrir à nouveau le sujet, merci de me contacter en message privé directement sur le forum. /Locked and moved to archives
  13. Question answered. Thank you for your participation. /Locked and moved to solved
  14. Hi-again, Know that it is better to activate your TruckersMP account, but if you do not find the mail, do not worry. You can still play. Are you satisfied for these answers @Darrick [Manage]? Cordially, Yoyo_ManSg
  15. Hello @Darrick [Manage], Indeed, you can play, without having clicked on the activation link wich has been sent to you when registering on TruckersMP. Futhermore, know that we can not you send again the activation link of your TruckersMP account. Cordially, Yoyo_ManSg
  16. Congratulation mate. You deserve it. ;) 

    1. DerAmpelmann


      Thank you for the kind words :lol:

  17. /Moved to help Question answered. Thank you for your participation. /Locked and moved to solved
  18. Bonjour à tous et à toutes, Le topic "Annuler programme ouverture par défaut" étant inactif depuis 14 jours, il est donc par conséquent archiver. /Locked & Moved to Archives due to inactivity.
  19. Hello mister @raviv267, Is your problem solved? I await your answer. Cordially, Yoyo_ManSg
  20. Congratulation mate. ;) 

  21. Congratulation mate. ;) 

    1. Aestrial


      Thanks mate.

  22. Congratulation Khaos. :D 

    1. KhaosHammer
    2. Babou71


      @KhaosHammer bravo pour ton nouveau poste, mais tu es quand même fort car tu t'améliores de jours en jours ;) 


  23. Les réponses à votre question ayant été donner, je vais par conséquent archiver ce sujet. /Locked & Moved to Archives
  24. À votre service. Si jamais vous avez d'autres questions dans l'avenir, n'hésitez pas à me contacter par message privés sur le forum, si vous le souhaitez. Cordialement, Yoyo_ManSg
  25. Hello @Viterlo, No mister sorry. Please read the rules of TruckersMP: §2.7 Hacking/Speedhacking/Bug abusing - UPDATED Using artificial tools to change gameplay, using cheat engine in order to bypass the speeding limiter or anything similar. Bans for this rule will be for a duration of 1 month/3 months/permanent depending on the occurrence of the ban. This is regardless of previous other history. Cordially, Yoyo_ManSg
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