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Veteran Driver V
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About Moppa5

  • Birthday 08/28/1998

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Different kind of games; especially simulation games. I like to play guitar and piano. I'm also into programming and computer related stuff.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Osnabrück
  • Known languages
    Finnish, English, Swedish (understandable)

TruckersMP Information

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  1. Hi all truckers! I haven't been to TruckersMP for a while since I have played other games than Euro Truck. Anyway, right now I'm updating my Multiplayer files and I think I will play ETS2 today. Have a great day all :)

    1. Mirko9


      See you on roads :)

  2. What's up all? I haven't been posting for a few days. I just got American Truck Simulator so I'm trucking in there right now, earning money for my company :). ATS is looking really cool!

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      i am doing great thanks mate.

      B) Its all good mate, how are you? 


      Wow you got ats as well nice man  i hope  your enjoying the nice landscape and the cool trucks :wub:


      Good luck with your company :) 

    2. antrax737


      Eeey u should wait for tmp update, now you spoiled atsmp, everybody will be hyped and u'll be like "meeh i drove pass that s**t hundreds of times" ;)

    3. Moppa5


      I'm doing good here. I had to go to school in the morning and I have done homework etc. And right now I have to earn money for my company and level up in ATS so I can afford my own truck and come to play MP too. 

  3. Good morning everyone! How are we doing today? Whether you're trucking or not, have a great day :)

    1. derpatrick9


      Thanks! Trucking forever,have a nice day!

    2. Trucker Hudson

      Trucker Hudson

      I'm doing great thanks :D, you have a awesome day too bud :) 

  4. Testing streaming in #EU3 server: https://www.twitch.tv/moppa5:D

    1. derpatrick9


      Watching it! :) Always in the Car but i like it :)

    2. Moppa5


      Thank you people for watching! Maybe I will make another stream someday again. And yup, I actually shift those and therefore I drive truck or car, but it depends a little. 

  5. What's up all? I just realised that I have driven over 50,000km with my Scout car :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. derpatrick9


      Then,youre not an Trucker come to the Dark Side :^)

    3. Moppa5


      I have driven truck little less than 300,000km so it's still much more if we compare it to the car :D

    4. derpatrick9
  6. Good day everyone! How are we doing here? 

  7. Hello all truckers! It's a new day for trucking and you may see me in EU #2 server. I'm driving car and there's photo down below attached. Not sure yet where I'm going to drive, but it's very likely that you can see me in Germany and in Scandinavia. Let's go!


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Moppa5


      I weren't talking about systems that exists around, I were talking about don't they (meaning TruckersMP) have this kind of system since I remember to have seen something similar to this in news.

  8. Thank you for the follow :) 


    1. Moppa5


      No problem. I follow people who I consider to be interesting :)

  9. Hello to all!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chev


      I'm doing absolutely wonderful, thanks for asking. ;)

    3. Mirko9
    4. Moppa5


      @Mirko9, like I said, I'm doing alright. How are you doing there?

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