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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Dobrota93

  1. Hi. U need to enable it and connect it to the truck in singleplayer. Then go in Multiplayer. U cant activate the mod in MP. Only SP then go in MP
  2. Dobrota93


    Try this: The solution is stupid simple and its basicly to run MSI Afterburner in the background with its RivaTunerStatisticsServer in the background. Part of the reason why I think this works is because in the 64-bit version of Euro Truck Simulator 2 struggles to follow the renderResolution (mine set at 5760x1080), and just shows the standard 1920x1080 instead, which is why the game was stuck on my left screen.. It couldnt stretch over the rest of the screens.. What I think is happening now is that thee onscreen software (RivaTuner) helps the game fully take advantage of the renderResolution that the game is supposed to run at, and because of that it functions flawlessly
  3. Do you have this issue in MP only or in singleplayer too? Try running the game using both DirectX and OpenGL
  4. Bu bir bağlantı problemidir. Bağlantınızı test ettiniz mi? Her şeyin internet bağlantısı ile tamam olduğundan emin misiniz?
  5. have you tried disabling antivirus? maybe it causes some problem
  6. At the moment you can't rebind any MP keys, you're stuck with what is already bound to. Maybe in the future they will add the possibility to change binding
  7. Connection refused. u r using invalid client! wtf i ve just downloaded the update....

    1. FirestarteR93


      New update has been released

    2. Mirko9


      Error on EU1 ,try other servers..

    3. Dobrota93
  8. Why 80% of players dont use mirrors while overtaking.... When u r overtaking u need to know tht the truck is long nearly 13 meters!!!!! U cant go back in the lane when u pass me only with ur cabin.....  Got hit by a lot of ppl in the last days.... They think they r driving a car..

    1. _Pingu_


      @Dobrota93 record it report it and dont support it, i use my mini map when overtaking just to make sure no one is coming the other way and when ive finished overtaking and am  ready to get back on the right side of the road its nice if the person you are overtaking gives you a little flash to let you know its safe for you to move back in


  9. There was ets2sync.com but in the last days the site is down
  10. Gift Trailer. Enjoy!!! 

    LINK: https://www.sendspace.com/file/t5bw9v


    1. Mirko9


      This truck is crazy :D 

    2. Dobrota93


      @Mirko9 thanks

  11. Who the hell needs a package big like that for christmas XD #EpicFail


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dobrota93


      @scot121   ahahah and u end up with a small cookie inside the last one XD

    3. UB8Gaming


      haha u know it mate

    4. Smalley
  12. Prey for Berlin.... Again those *******!

  13. if you want to play with 2 accounts, you need to have 2 different steam accounts and have bought ats or ets2 on both steam accounts
  14. When someone reports u he sends a video or picture with the report. An admin will watch it and decide. Usually* if u did nothing against the rules the report will be rejected
  15. Hi. To use a backup save delete the folder named "profiles" and change ur backup save name to "profiles". Example: "profiles(1.25.3s)bak" change name to "profiles". Be sure to delete original "profiles" folder first
  16. Solution 1) Go to My Documents > Euro Truck Simulator 2 and find config.cfg file and: Change uset g_console to 1 Change uset g_developer to 1 Launch ETS2MP and select your MP profile and when you don't have any cargo/job, press the ` button which will open the console and type g_force_economy_reset 1 and press ENTER. Then go back to profile screen and select the profile again and a message saying "Game Change detected" should appear which means it worked. Now once you're in, you want to open the console again and type in g_force_economy_reset 0. After that, just play and your jobs should be reset. If it occurs again, just complete the whole process again. If you have your own truck Solution 1)Find a parking space and go to sleep (advances time by 8 hours in Singleplayer) Solution 2)Quick travel to one of your garages Solution 3)Go to sleep or call SOS Solution 4)Visit the individual companies and see if they have any jobs (drive over the green icon at the entrance of each
  17. Banned 1 day for saying f....ing id..t to an id...t that was overtaking a truck and hit me frontal causing me 70% damage to my truck. WHAT A NICE DAY!

    1. Forraz


      Abusive language afterall. Admins have the right to ban you at anytime.


      If you have been banned, you have a right of appeal at http://truckersmp.com/appeals. If you feel that your ban appeal is not handled correctly, email [email protected] on the forums.





  18. I suggest to reinstall the game. After it downloads downgrade it to latest build working with MP. It should work (ATS is not a huge game to download so u wont lose too much time)
  19. he probably copied the profile folder instead of copying the Whole folder with the Long number
  20. hmmm i dont know what the fu... is going on... sometimes when i load mp i dont see other ppl. but they see me... few days ago i rammed 6 trucks in paris, but on my game there was no players... even on the tab. i know that i rammed them because i restarted the game and i saw players after tht, an deveryone was insulting me WTF XD

    1. stilldre1976


      Some times it takes a while for other players to load when joining just avoid logging out on the road do it in a safe place like a ncz area

  21. i just love when trollers ram me n say "im sorry its just hard to control" n rams me another 6 times after that when i try to pass him on a straight highway.... the funny thing is tht they lose control only when they see that u r gonna pass them... Kids pls go to sleep

  22. ahhaah nearly losing it!!!!

  23. Hi. The problem is that u are using a 1.25 save to play the mp (1.24). Load an older save made when u was on 1.24 and u should be fine
  24. Ma perché nessuno fa un convoglio italiano su ets2c.com?sarebbe divertente
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