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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by MrSebosaurus

  1. Waiting to hear back from the TruckersFM team about my DJ application :OOOO


  2. Nice setup ;0

    1. Cyrusj


      Thank you.


      It serves me well. :)

  3. When HumaneWolf answers my question in help and set's the best answer to their post. Then I go switch the best answer to the other guys post.



  4. For some reason when I make posts not all of them are counted. Do small posts not get counted?
  5. Looks like Frontier (Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Devs) are moving on from RCT to planet coaster yay!

    1. Digital


      Gladly, the new RCT is really bad. RCT3 was great!

    2. MrSebosaurus


      @Digi7alYes, I have the new RCT. I mean it's alright. I'm an amin on the inactive wiki for the game. May end up resigning. RCT3 was amazing though. Absoloute classic.

    3. Creatured


      that is bassically old news by now that frontier is making a true RCT worthy succesor

  6. When a subscription email says 'It's August tomorrow!" Unsubscribing for lack of knowledge

  7. Who else is looking forward to Planet Coasters release? Looks really good :)  

    1. Scar


      I'm loving the Alpha version :)

  8. Congratulations, you are the clear and perfect Project Manager. You are an especially active asset to the community, and you are one of the major needs that makes TruckersMP go round. I hope you get far in your Vice Project Manager job, and make desicions that have been well thought up and ones that makes TruckersMP even more amazing.


    Thank you and congratulations.

  9. Awesome, Hope this ends some game-crash issues for me By game-crash issues I mean computer crashing issue
  10. I seem to be stuck at the speed limit of 55mph even without trailers, there is also other multiplayer trucks going way faster than me so I wonder why I the one out? Have I pressed a button to lower my max speed?
  11. Omg it's a pingu ._.


    YUSSSS PINGU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I only really decided to talk on the forums a year after I joined the forums :P So I get the nifty Veteran Driver rank for when I become active again :PP

  13. SCS создают грузовики для игры , так что многопользовательские разработчики этого не делают. вам придется попросить разработчиков симулятора Euro Truck Translated with Google Translate. Maybe I shouldn't do that but no-one else is going to.
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