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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by AlibertSchrank

  1. deinstall the MP and new download and new install ?
  2. Hello Fatal....I have a question because a report, u answered from me....


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AlibertSchrank



      sry bad english

    3. heyhococo


      @AlibertSchrank What are you asking him? Are you asking why a report was declined?

    4. Scullllly


      This has been sorted via PM 

  3. hello...its normal, thats a report is not beeing answered in 2 days ?



    1. [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      currently we have over 200 reports so yeah it can take longer but the perpetrator will be punished eventually 

    2. Amazing Red Panda

      Amazing Red Panda

      Just be patient, as long as its already submited, either a week or a month the prepetrator will get punished :P


    3. AlibertSchrank


      ok...thank u both

  4. Hi.... how i can find out a truckersmp ID with SteamID from the player for a report ?

    ty and greets

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AlibertSchrank


      hmmm now im on his profile.... where is the Player ID ?    im blind ?

    3. heyhococo


      The TruckersMP ID is the string of numbers in the players URL. The server ID in game is useless in a report by the way.

    4. FirestarteR93


      You mean on his profile at the site?  The number in the address is his ID - e.g. S4q9GzM.jpg

  5. sry for bad english first...can anyone help me ?

    When 2 People plays "bullshit" at the same time and i want to report...2 reports and 2 videos or 1 report ? 

    greets from germany


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tandre


      Hang on... Are you going to report someone for saying "bullshit"? Get a life...

    3. stilldre1976


      Calm down owl lol think he means trolling just bad english etc

    4. Tandre


      Ah, red "said" instead of "plays"; apologies!

  6. good evening/morning ^^


    1. stilldre1976


      evening fellow hauler :D

  7. how to search and where ? Yes video excist.
  8. Hi John.... no.... only the name, he used while driving. I will look at Steam...
  9. Hi...sorry when its wrong here..... i want to use the report system, but i cant enter the Name of the Perpetrator . any help ? thank you greets from Germany
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