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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by menphz

  1. Seems like you've lost your gamesave. what you can do for that is, there is several gamesaves online that you could use, or you would have to start a new one. when you format your PC you will loose all progression that you had on your account unless you made a backup of it. Keep in mind if you want to format again at a later time, go into your ETS2 folder and save your profile! (Make a backup OF it and save it somewhere that you can download it later, or on a seperate hardrive!) Hope that helped.
  2. Good luck everyone. Free stuff is allways the best stuff
  3. I need this in my life, Its so good, cant wait for thius expansion to come
  4. Safe to say it was chaotic at the end tho ;D
  5. Was a good convoy, Nicely managed!
  6. Keep up the good work. things doesnt allways go as planed, but you learn from it
  7. I dont know why that happend, it happend to me aswell, but it should let the automatic transmission shift for you as long as you let go of the trottle for a second when you hear it needs to shift.
  8. Yeah, ive started streaming when i play, mostly for my own safety you also get some funny moments out of it Great guide aswell, more people should do this
  9. Happy birthay man, have a great one ;D
  10. Adding this would actually be amazing, having something like if somebody rams into you doing 100, make them pay, like a 50k ticket or something seems suitable for that, that would make poeple drive more carefully
  11. I really hope this dlc isn't too far away, i cant wait to play it Got some really nice screenshots there aswell
  12. Seems like a nice idea, having so when your id is typed it lights up or something, maybe give you some sort of notification,
  13. I guess most people go this way anyways to get into the chaos, i've been taking that route a cupple of times just to see the chaos every now and then, but this route is deffinitly faster.
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