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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by McSquizzy

  1. Oh man, what a day it has been!

  2. Global Legacy Freight VTC is looking for active member and managers who want to make a difference in the VTC community. We are looking for members who are dedicated and determined. Do you have what it takes? ***Requirements*** - You need to be 16 and over - 100+ driving hours - Should have an official copy of ETS2/ATS from Steam - Able to speak and understand fluent English - Follow the rules of a said VTC and must not have VAC Bans in last 120 days OR banned from TMP within 30 days - Be an active member in TeamSpeak and discord. - Have a working mic ***How to apply?*** To apply to our VTC you need to read the application requirements on our website then fill out an application. Application Requirements - https://globallegacyfreight.com/application-part-1/ ***Have Questions?*** If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with our Application Review Manager on Discord or TeamSpeak Discord - discord.globallegacyfreight.com TeamSpeak - ts.globallegacyfreight.com
  3. Global Legacy Freight VTC is looking for active member and managers who want to make a difference in the VTC community. We are looking for members who are dedicated and determined. Do you have what it takes? ***Requirements*** - You need to be 16 and over - 100+ driving hours - Should have an official copy of ETS2/ATS from Steam - Able to speak and understand fluent English - Follow the rules of a said VTC and must not have VAC Bans in last 120 days OR banned from TMP within 30 days - Be an active member in TeamSpeak and discord. - Have a working mic ***How to apply?*** To apply to our VTC you need to read the application requirements on our website then fill out an application. Application Requirements - https://globallegacyfreight.com/application-part-1/ ***Have Questions?*** If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with our Application Review Manager on Discord or TeamSpeak Discord - discord.globallegacyfreight.com TeamSpeak - ts.globallegacyfreight.com
  4. Global Legacy Freight VTC is looking for active member and managers who want to make a difference in the VTC community. We are looking for members who are dedicated and determined. Do you have what it takes? ***Requirements*** - You need to be 16 and over - 100+ driving hours - Should have an official copy of ETS2/ATS from Steam - Able to speak and understand fluent English - Follow the rules of a said VTC and must not have VAC Bans in last 120 days OR banned from TMP within 30 days - Be an active member in TeamSpeak and discord. - Have a working mic ***How to apply?*** To apply to our VTC you need to read the application requirements on our website then fill out an application. Application Requirements - https://globallegacyfreight.com/application-part-1/ ***Have Questions?*** If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with our Application Review Manager on Discord or TeamSpeak Discord - discord.globallegacyfreight.com TeamSpeak - ts.globallegacyfreight.com
  5. Global Legacy Freight VTC is looking for active member and managers who want to make a difference in the VTC community. We are looking for members who are dedicated and determined. Do you have what it takes? ***Requirements*** - You need to be 16 and over - 100+ driving hours - Should have an official copy of ETS2/ATS from Steam - Able to speak and understand fluent English - Follow the rules of a said VTC and must not have VAC Bans in last 120 days OR banned from TMP within 30 days - Be an active member in TeamSpeak and discord. - Have a working mic ***How to apply?*** To apply to our VTC you need to read the application requirements on our website then fill out an application. Application Requirements - https://globallegacyfreight.com/application-part-1/ ***Have Questions?*** If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with our Application Review Manager on Discord or TeamSpeak Discord - discord.globallegacyfreight.com TeamSpeak - ts.globallegacyfreight.com
  6. Global Legacy Freight VTC is looking for active member and managers who want to make a difference in the VTC community. We are looking for members who are dedicated and determined. Do you have what it takes? ***Requirements*** - You need to be 16 and over - 100+ driving hours - Should have an official copy of ETS2/ATS from Steam - Able to speak and understand fluent English- Follow the rules of a said VTC and must not have VAC Bans in last 120 days - Be an active member in TeamSpeak and discord. ***How to apply?*** To apply to our VTC you need to read the application requirements on our website then fill out an application. Application - https://globallegacyfreight.com/application-part-1/ ***Have Questions?*** If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with our Application Review Manager on Discord or TeamSpeak Discord - discord.globallegacyfreight.com TeamSpeak - ts.globallegacyfreight.com
  7. Global Legacy Freight VTC is looking for active member and managers who want to make a difference in the VTC community. We are looking for members who are dedicated and determined. Do you have what it takes? ***Requirements*** - You need to be 16 and over - 100+ driving hours - Should have an official copy of ETS2/ATS from Steam - Able to speak and understand fluent English- Follow the rules of a said VTC and must not have VAC Bans in last 120 days - Be an active member in TeamSpeak and discord. ***How to apply?*** To apply to our VTC you need to read the application requirements on our website then fill out an application. Application - https://globallegacyfreight.com/application-part-1/ ***Have Questions?*** If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with our Application Review Manager on Discord or TeamSpeak Discord - discord.globallegacyfreight.com TeamSpeak - ts.globallegacyfreight.com
  8. My VTC Turned 1! Happy Birthday Global Legacy Freight!!! One down more to come!

  9. Its been a while since I posted on here, But Hey everyone hopes all of you are doing well! 

  10. So we took some time to redo our website if I can get some feedback from you guys let me know what you like and don't like about it.

    1. _Pingu_


      erm not sure of its just a false positive?



    2. McSquizzy


      Yea its a false Positive we have had our site checked over and over by our host and they cant find anything 

  11. I never thought it would be this hard running a hosting company... holy crap so many things to keep track of.... 

    If you guys can give me a hand take a look at what we offer and give me feedback if you can :D 


  12. Not having the best day, started the pc and found out when my pc crashed all my steam games crashed with it.... So i have to redo all my games!


    What a messed up day...:unsure:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. McSquizzy


      i know I am upset, i have to redo all my games.

    3. LH RJ BR

      LH RJ BR

      I'm sad that this happens to you. It's happened to me, and it feels terrible.

    4. McSquizzy


      yea i had my map at 95%


  13. wow and im back on here. I have to remember to keep posting here.

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      welcome back mate :) 

    2. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Welcome back ;) 

  14. Hey there! Im not sure but I think the owner of that program has updated to be compatible with the new version. I hope to hear from you soon.
  15. Suggestion Name: Police Siren Change Suggestion Description: Change the sound of the police car, as it is very hard to hear while your driving until they are right behind you. Any example images: NA Why should it be added?: When I'm driving and I see a see or hear a police car its very hard to hear if they are using their siren until they get right behind you or next to you, with that I feel the drivers who are playing the game as it was intended ( a simulator ) it does not give us time to get out of the way. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  16. Ive not posted in a while, Hope everyone is doing well. 

  17. Hope everyone is having a good day?

  18. What do you think about ETS2Sync?

    1. [23]ThunderSky


      I prefer:

      Virtual Speditor: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=199114
      TEDIT: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=202722

      You can create your own job, without trying to sync anything.

    2. McSquizzy



      Virtual Speditor  we use

  19. It sounds like an issue with your router If you flush the DNS and rest it maybe that can help. Hope it helps!
  20. Hmm I wonder what new thing the addon team will bring, any ideas, or wants?

  21. What an amazing VTC i am part of 

    1. Sergeant BADGER

      Sergeant BADGER

      Global Legacy Freight FTW

  22. I know ive not posted in a bit but how's everyone?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sticky


      I'm well! I got back from vacation yesterday.


      Have a great day!

    3. McSquizzy
    4. Sticky


      I enjoyed it, the weather was great.

  23. Hey there! I had the same issue, I cleared my DNS and it fixed it for me. Hope it helps
  24. Global Legacy Freight - It's your chance to explore the world

    Global Legacy Freight is a professional run VTC (Virtual Trucking Company) that runs on ETS and ATS on both Multiplayer and Singleplayer platforms We are a group of trucking enthusiasts who are able to go trucking whilst making great friends along the way and adding new members daily and we are open to people from all around the world and we encourage diversity within all of our members. We offer a wide variety of divisions within the company such as; Heavy Haul, Standard Fright, Fuels and many more! Some of us at Global Legacy Freight do come from trucking backgrounds and we are lead to believe that this is helping us achieve the more realistic side of the company and enhancing a better experience for everyone who is involved with Global Legacy Freight in and around Global Legacy Freight

    ★ www.globallegacyfreight.tk ★ discord.globallegacyfreight.tk

    [email protected][email protected]

    【« ❑ Global Legacy Freight is only looking for members 15+ if you are under 15 please email [email protected] ❑»】

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      sound great. good luck to you :) 

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