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Greetings, truckers!

Have you ever been driving down an empty, dim road and felt like you're being watched? Unsure if that figure in your mirror was just your imagination? Was that scraping noise a bush or something more sinister?

If you're looking for a surreal trucking experience for Halloween this year, we're hosting a convoy to push your bravery to the limit! Complete with custom modifications to push the scare factor to the max!


Join us this Saturday 31st October 2020 at 18:30 UTC (Alternative Timezones)!

Our spooky convoy will begin in the city of Bakersfield, California. Unfortunately, truckers that are frightened of the dark should not expect to see much light throughout the experience...

To add to the terror, the destination will not be announced! Try to stay together, and always follow the event team directions/instructions. You don't want to get lost alone out there, do you?

The convoy duration is estimated to be 120 minutes. It may be longer if you are towards the rear of the convoy. No breaks are scheduled, but you are welcome to pull into a safe place should you require a rest (If you aren't too scared).

Departure: City Bakersfield, California

Additional Event Info: Event Rules | DLC: None required | Server: Official Halloween Convoy

Happy trucking!

-TruckersMP Team

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Kind Regards,


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Great Event!

But I hope that this guy (jhonc) will also get banned not only kicked as he went flying through many trucks. Thanks to him I didn't make it to the parking at area51 before server closed, cause my truck got stuck in the ground after he hit me, and admin teleported me to the nearest repair station.


The convoy was great. By far the best one I've done so far. The event team did a great job and they gave instructions really well. The convoy had alot of detail in it which made it scary and incredibly fun. I have made a video on the event please go check it out. Thank you TMP



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